Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

Then… don’t do them?

If you’re casual, you can literally do anything in the world you want when you log on.

Hunter needs reown 23 tuskaar for dragon taming tome for one. Centaur reown19 for green dragon color. Tusakaar 18 for some highland drake customizations…so much I want and will take forever.


They whined incessently in the thread when blizzard announced daily WQs that they/'d be “behind” when raids launched if they missed a single WQ and that it wasn’t fair and they didn’t want more chores.

So Blizzard reversed course.


You mean like… taking away the option of doing daily WQs because some people can’t help themselves from feeling like they need to do them all?

Like exactly what blizzard did?


It was part of a devious plan to make sure casuals know what they really think of them.

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The noisy wheel gets the grease. Solo players need to learn to be more obnoxious.


I think you’re overreacting.

I am disappointed that Blizzard chose not to make world quests daily as well, however Blizzard has said that they’re going to look at another way to fix the issue that daily world quests was going to solve. On top of this, when Season 1 starts later this month, we’ll get more world content in the form of the Primal Storm events that will be occurring on the Dragon Isles.

Dungeon farmers and raid runners get to spam run their content as much as they want, dungeon farmers even get loot every time. Show me in my post where I said every single player gets loot.


you canceling this change hurts blizzard… you give the wolf a taste only to let it starve

Sure. In a year or two they will think about it.

Which is group content that will require better gear than world content players can get from doing world content.

Blizzard made it overly clear if your not noisy, and obnoxious about your opinions they won’t listen to you. That thread made it very obvious where they get their feedback.


Raids have a weekly loot lockout. You can do them as many times as you want, outside of Mythic.

And even then, you can do them multiple times (once on each difficulty).

I am not interested in that so I guess I am lucky. I will just unsub when I finish my alts.

Especially those. Right now I can only play most weekends. So I log in Saturday, do the available WQs.

And then there’s nothing Sunday, since there isn’t a refresh until mid-week, when I won’t be able to play.

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I’d prefer we get 18 a day like we used to that cycle through options. You know, like Legion and BFA.


Well, that would go against one of the stated design goal for the expansion, which is to reduce the load carried by world quests and other dailies.this goal is based on feedback they received over the 2nd half of legion and almost all of BFA.

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Feedback which was based on WQs that were necessary for player power (AP, Azerite), grinds that are no longer part of the game.


I don’t!

But I do do them if they’re on a weekly basis.

So I guess that’s what Blizzard is looking for - more engagement


They want players to not feel like they are missing something if they are unable to log in for a day. 18 world quests worth of rep is a lot of rep to miss.


Why would you do a different number if they’re daily vs weekly?