Who cares?
So if you were only able to log in twice a week, you’d rather have there be 6 quests that are up that day, instead of 18 that are up for half the week?
I find it amusing that they think a casual player should have more then 8k achievements.
Lots of people try to find ways to invalidate other peoples opinions with pixel comparison since they don’t have any thing else to oppose it with.
im in the outfield looking in from m+ land and honestly it’s wild watching some people try and argue logic with the same 3 trolls
wqs being changed is directly from the community pretty much.
Haven’t paid attention and posting before 5 am with a terrible nights sleep here works gonna be interesting being a zombie today.
But what am I supposed be upset over game wise now? Too few WQs to do each week / bad rewards for non raiders like myself ? Why are people upset now?
The old “I should get sweet rewards for playing my content, but those other people should be playing for love of the game only, in awe of its perfection of design and my wonderfulness.”
It doesn’t though. There’s no need to lie to make your point.
Kinda does though.
It really is an odd philosophy that people who are willing to put more time in playing aren’t rewarded.
Given that a specific person getting the drop was specified in the original statement, there is no guarantee. Only a 40% chance.
Blizz was going to change some wqs to be daily, but then hour long back and forth complains went on earlier and they decided to revert the change and keep wqs every 3 days. So basically dead world now since you will have nothing to do after clearing things out.
Mythic + only drops 2 pieces of gear up to +15, so please tell me how every mythic run everyone gets a piece of loot.
With the changes, it’s probably going to be up to 20 now.
they are still going to make more world quests - they probably just won’t be rewarding rep because people somehow haven’t figured out how worthless professions will end up being yet.
So a +20 will no longer drop 4? A 25 will drop 4?
As dark souls players signs would say…“pointless ahead”…guess we’ll be spending a year getting to reown 25.
Loot ilvl scales up to 20 now, so everything should increase above 20 at the same rate it used to increase from 15.
I mean, more source of renown for me, can’t say it bothers me that much, if I don’t feel like farming it on a day I don’t, if I want to I farm it, I will. World quest gear is already under-leveled anyways.
I don’t see much reason to grind these to the end - that gear doesn’t interest me really.
I do agree it does take too long though. It shouldn’t be more than 2 months to max this out