Holy CRAP the narratives of people saying things that don’t make sense are ALL over the place to cover. either sides agenda.
Look up the ACTUAL definition of the word INCENTIVES
Look up the ACTUAL definition of the word CHOICE
Figure out what the meaning of “things required to do” actually means.
If i log in, and there’s MORE world quests on my screen, What is the ACTUAL downside to this?!?! Wtf is wrong with you people. I’m convinced this is some sort of elitist crap or something trying to keep casual held down.
If there’s MORE world quests on your map it DOES NOT mean you HAVE to or are REQUIRED to do them. You CAN ignore them.
If world quests have LOW rewards then means players have LOW incentive to do them.
If they have GOOD rewards that means we have HIGH incentive ton do them.
And the only reason Im not going nuts with alts yet is Im still trying to figure out how to get all the rep for renown to get that up as far as I can on my main.
Once I can get the bonus for alts, Ill be bringing in at least 4-6 of them
Might even pay the $20 to upgrade my account and do a boosted character too.
Im not bashing anyone, folks like what they like. I HATED SL’s and really disliked BFA. So I didnt play them much except to get what I wanted out of them.
I unsubbed for months at a time. Took breaks.
If they hate the content this much, they should maybe consider doing the same.
ESO is a good way to take a break. I do believe they still offer playing without a monthly sub
WQs/Emissaries sort of became an end game piller for a group of players over the last few expansions…probably by mistake.
There are many players who now play the game this way. Yes it’s brain dead easy. Yes it’s mindlessly flying around and doing the same 5 types of WQ over and over. Yes it’s a slow grind. It can be relaxing though if your not rushing through it (to do other content) I guess.
The endgame for these players now is supposed to be the renown grind, and the associated new mini games /etc that come out of reaching higher renown. I’m not sure that’s landing super well, as it’s a little more complicated to figure out. You can’t just open your map.
Perhaps also Proffessions but I don’t think that’s a good fit. Profs are a bit complicated.
I’ve heard some wow content people (I know, I know) say DF could use 1 more feature, and I agree. Dragon riding is fun, but aside from the races it’s not much content.
We could probably use a Suramar, or that pocapoca guy? Some 2-8 week optional world content grind not associated with player power/gear. An archeology themed thing would be fun, given the location/story.
I absolutely do not want to be forced back to a daily grind. I do M+, PvP, Alts, and for the first time in a while might actually have time to do some pug raiding. I have lots to do.
However, I do recognize wow has built up a group of players who do mostly simple world content as thier end game. And they are pretty abandoned in DF (or at least need some pointing towards what there is to do).
Im going to have to basically watch and study some YouTube videos just to figure out how to actually get some rep outside of the side quests i saw while i was leveling up.
When you hit 70 it literally tells you NOTHING .
I went to certain areas like the cobalt area for example and there was nothing there, Obsidian, nothing there. All of them are like this. They definitely need to make it more intuitive Map wise.
I don’t see how this singles out solo players, but I was hoping to have more stuff to do for renown than just feasts and hunts. A handful of quests twice a week isn’t a whole lot.
Like if the issue is that it’s too easy to gear up using world quests, just cap the item level rewards.
Not at all, because as others have pointed out there is no real rewards to the system which would make you feel forced to do it. It’s honestly beyond me why anyone is saying their feeling forced other then to pull on keywords in order to get their way. It’s just content gatekeeping. Raids will be out shortly and at this time anything you can get from questing will be irrelevent. You will have maybe a week to enjoy what you earned.
Not at all? You just said it is though? If Blizzard makes an announcement then changes it, that’s backing out. Saying they were going to put the “dailies” on a daily reset was already backing out of how they first aid they’d go.
The original statement was they wasn’t going to have daily content that will be forced to do. I don’t see how this content could be feeled forced to do by any reasonable person.
The problem is anything that can provide any power gain, no matter how minor, is viewed as mandatory. So they would have to make the rewards so worthless that world quests wouldn’t be doing or go back on what they said one week into the expansion.
Look at Shadowlands and the sockets from Ve’nari. They were viewed as mandatory because they provided a less than 1% power increase per, which meant players were “forced” by Blizzard to endlessly farm rep to gain a tiny reward. They didn’t expect it to be viewed that way but it was because any power gain becomes mandatory in this game to a certain portion of the playerbase.
I got my hopes up hugely when I saw Kaivax post and then hit the bottom again when I saw they backtracked almost immediately against solo players thanks to players who don’t even do this stuff to begin with. They just want to gate keep all the content to themselves. It’'s like they get positively giddy when WoW continues to pare down solo options.
I really enjoyed Legion and BFA, flying around the zones, picking up the quests I wanted to do while herbing or doing archeology. That’s pretty much it for me, except for transmog items, I had planned to get into island expeditions as well, finally got enough gear I felt comfortable running them and daggone if Blizzard didn’t raise them to lvl 60 pre-patch and I’ll have to lvl up and regear AGAIN in order to manage it. That’s absolutely typical of them.
Stop the sledgehammer tactics Blizzard. Just STOP. I cannot believe you gave something back only to cave later. That is bad form. Really Bad.
Lol because these players are literally asking why they are getting flamed going into content that they have zero clue or prep work done, and don’t even know the direction they are going in the dungeon and trying to lead the group, then getting upset about something that is 100% their own doing.
Would you offer to drive on a road trip with no GPS, map, or any directions on how to get where you’re going? No you would be a passenger at that point…. Same rules apply to tanking a dungeon, learn the basics by being a passenger, then attempt driving
Not seeing where that statement says that. No reasonable person would see the current version of World Questing to feel mandatory by any means. Having them be daily would pose no issues. Only unreasonable people would think the marginal gear provided which is instantly replaced the second you step foot in a mythic+ or raid is forcing them to do something. Thats very unreasonable.
Tbh that is why I’m hoping they eventually make a Legion classic. The world quests, and invasions were imo a lot of fun. Never felt like I had to have my artifact weapon maxed out in the first weeks of that expansion. My guess is that what a lot of people felt like they had to do which made the wq’s feel mandatory. Same with Df renown etc.