Well yeah I’m not trying to join a “yolo group” that sits in front of a normal boss for 2 hours before pulling.
Ion admitted that everyone wants to see numbers go up and we will probably see it. So goal posts get moved. The line and argument will change a little but the sentiment will be the same.
Tbh more time for raiders to get alts up in the end they play more stream more do more do the dew more.
? there are no “incredibly high level epics” locked behind rep. as far as i can see, the highest is 376, which i believe yall are getting from dungeons anyway? the only thing locked behind renown now is cosmetics and some crafting recipes
I’m not a big soda drinker, but my favorite flavor of all damn time, Mountain Dew White Out, was cancelled amongst the BLM movement. I see why, but they couldn’t just rename it?
Definitely higher than 376.
385 and at max renown you get crafting items to craft your 395 set.
Huge player power locked behind renown.
It’s never ending with raiders at the top and lowbies are always suggling even to finish their renown they know it and laugh about it.
There’s one 376 and one 389 per renown faction, as well as a 389 neck and 398 cloak from obsidian citadel. I don’t think it’s anything to be grinding specifically to get ilvl to get into groups for, but worth being accurate about what items are on offer.
Grinding rep for those sub-400 pieces only to get them like 1-2 months before the next patch resets the ilvl ceiling (and floor of minimum expectations).
I can’t laugh hard enough.
Only expect those pieces to matter when it’s like the last patch and we have like oodles of % rep modifiers on alts that allow you to jump to renown 25 on fresh 70s like in patch 10.2.
i’m looking through them right now on wowhead. unless i’m blind, the only ones that have a 389 are wrathion/sabellian, and i think the ring from the one you have to farm, and neither of those were going to be affected by the daily change anyway.
dude by the time you get to max renown, the raids will be open and those 395s will be useless to yall anyway. again, whats the problem?
This they will be useless by then because even for casuals you’ll have the gigajuiced primal storm stuff and normal/heroic freebies from timewalking/mythic dungeon weeklies.
Ummm. Doubt X. Now this stuff is daily
Combine these hours of dailies with the other stuff it’s 100% doable.
People are already 20+ this makes it way easier.
Standing at the dragonscale expedition QM right now as cloth. 376 gloves at 12, 389 legs at 18.
Same for the other 3 reps, just different slots.
Again, I don’t think doing every single world quest to get every rep 389 is particularly necessary or worthwhile, nor is grinding out wrath / sib rep week 1 for the 398 cloak (Though I can see how people have nothing better to do with their time)
There are people but not the ones most clamoring for said gear. The ones blitzing through that content last week are going to be focusing solely on mythic prog and keys above 20.
hours of dailies? i was able to finish the entire continent in less than 1 hour
wowhead lists them at 376
regardless my previous point stands, the instant the raid comes out in a week or whatever these will all be useless anyway, like usual. all this does is give people like me next to nothing to do every week
Very, very few will be doing 20s week one unless theyre extremely high key pushers stop grasping
the wife and I are having a blast with world content. Those hunts are fantastic.
With azure span lag that’s like an hour alone bro.
“Focusing solely” doesn’t mean actually doing, it means you have it as a goal. Which said players will. Nothing in that statement said people will be doing things at that level next week.
your massive exaggeration aside, yeah the span lag is ridiculous. i’m hoping by next week people will have finished rep grinding and the pvp quest will be gone, or else they’ll do something else to fix it. i dont even want to go into that zone now