Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

Which is fair.
The reality of the argument however is this people dont want to lose quality of life, they just do not. I get the argument for daily world quests really I do. But when there are so few as is that just doesnt seem worth it.

People like knowing that if its a 3 day cycle they can go ya know, i dont need to do them all in one go. And personally id rather they add more and keep the same 3 day cycle than keep it how it is.

Can we just make it a 2 day cycle and call it even. Happy medium. Nobody wins but nobody loses either really. It’d be a little better then it is now, and for ya’ll it wouldn’t be as bad as it used to be.

Ya’lls quality of life is important but those on my side should be important too. And it kinda sucks to have no quests to do for 3 days.

blizz always screws something up.

With the same amount of WQs in the pool? Probably not

They realistically need to add more to the board. Whether its bringing back the Argus rare system as an example, other just random flavor WQs but with whats available in the current pool thats likely not the answer

Now,I’m confused . Why would raiders be concerned about world quests and it’s content? Or is the solo player that is?

I mean, I wouldn’t be against more quests.

if you can’t see that this entire expansion has gone far out of its way to accommodate casual players that I’m afraid you are willfully blind.

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I don’t understand why they didn’t do this until m+ came out.

Then the solo casuals who quit anyways in a month can have their mode… and the ppl who play end game can have theirs.

Now we are completely forced to do this due to the incredibly high level epics locked behind renown.

Get your epics or don’t get a raid spot… cringe.

Its crafting, which is tied to renown and renown you either farm super degenerate dirt piles, packs, etc. And world quests or you fall behind

Renown also has player power though far to the less of what shadowlands, legion, and BFA had

Exactly. I don’t need extra WQs to do. I want to jump on, do what i enjoy and log off. OP id not teally casual.

So raiders have to do the content and they are bad about this? I don’t think so,but I can understand the common person it is a lot of work.

So far out of its way that.

Crafting Orders require you to have the mats so you have to do the dungeons/raids to craft the gear.

Have less world quests then previous expansions excluded WoD.

And what fun world content there is to do is mostly designed for groups so it’s essentially just dungeons in another format. I’m not seeing how they went out of their way to accomdate solo players here. I’m not seeing many victories. What I seen was the removal of a progression system, the lack of world quests, and any meaningful content being behind dungeons as usual. And from what I hear storms that are coming are also designed to be done by people geared in mythic gear so yea.

Don’t do it , who is forcing you ? :crazy_face:

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This is actually an incredible idea. I love this.

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The gear locked behind that renown is very very very high ilvl.

Get the gear or don’t get invited.

Simple as that.

I want to run out of WQs so I can get to my alts.

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A lot of really powerful recipes are locked to high renown levels
And this applies to anyone not specifically raiders. If you play the game because you like making money you cannot get profitable recipes with out the appropriate renown the impact isnt just raiders.

Whats wrong with earning the reward? I don’t see the problem here. People always howl that world content doesn’t deserve rewards cause they don’t earn it. But when presented with a way to earn it, thats a problem too.

Yeaaahh, beginning week there is gonna be a lot of Qol , learning and Yolo groups that would take 350’s to 360’s in

By the time farming seasons starts where you need better gear than what drops , that gear would be horrible as normal raids drops 295

Solo players don’t need the high end gear is what I been told in GD. So how much truth is in this if the common person is now complaining.