Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

I think the people who are, I’ll say concerned but I’m being kind, by this desire from players such as yourselves fall into two categories.

1: People who think ilvl should be a direct correlation to difficulty of content at all levels of play, and who consider all world content to effectively be a 0 on that scale.

2: People who do harder / the hardest content, and generally don’t look forward to having to add more content to their “Content that progresses my character” bucket when that content tends to take a lot of time, albeit spread across multiple weeks or months.

From what you’ve told me, it seems to be more about there being a sense of progression rather than specifically how powerful you can become by progressing. The first category of people need to get over themselves, as while adding some form of progression to open world / solo gameplay does “break” that correlation, it doesn’t need to do it much in order to satisfy your goals.

And category two shouldn’t have any concern because by the time they’d have invested enough into getting items from solo content / solo progression they’d already have better, albeit not by a huge amount, from the content they actually want to be doing.

So yeah, I do agree with you, I can just empathize with the concerns of group two towards the general sentiment opinions like yours carry. In your case specifically though, I don’t see why what you want from the game has to affect them, so see no issue.

Not only do I do 100% of them now, unlike in previous exanpansions…I actually do them on alts now.

By giving me more time to do them at my own pace, I actually do more WQs now instead of just prioritizing the ones with the best rewards


lol, but don’t call you a drama queen or a dummy. You’re both and much worse. Go touch some grass, nerd.

Exactly this!!!

So, ‘some’ means ‘all’ now?

Here’s the issue. You don’t speak for all ‘solo players.’ You’re assuming all solo players want to have to grind dailies or world quests. I’m a ‘solo player’ and mobile game content such as that sickens me. Good riddance to the dopaminergic treadmill. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh this has been my point from the jump, it’s nice seeing CC players on the same wave length, the two CC players in my servers global chat are so weirdly elitist for essentially being ‘hardcore casual’ players who are online seemingly 24/7 but never really doing content higher than normal casual stuff.

You would be woefully wrong!

Like i said, i have NEVER seen a game company openly discourage their players to NOT play their game!

This is a crying shame Blizz, and you got your wish. Sub is now canceled. 15 days left, and i am out for the first time in 18 years :frowning:

Why are dailies or world quests ‘grindy mobile game treadmills’ ???

it’s been a core part of the game for almost 18 years, it’s no different to sons of hodir or isle of quel’danas it has nothing to do with mobile games, it’s as simple as ‘here is a reputation with some fun rewards’ and players want a way to work towards those rewards more than once a week.

If dailies for reputations sickens you this much I feel like you’ve disliked WoW for it’s entire history and every single content patch lmao

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i am still happy with the change, cause now i have things to do. more pet battles and more little odds and ends quests.

yeah i was confused that no wqs for days after doing all mine in a hour or two. i was like huh… lol i had all quests done, and literally opened my map and was like uhmm what now. is all expansion gonna be like this. kinda glad i have something to do now lol

Prove it! Post on your main! I do not believe it at all! All your pets are level1’s. Even solo players actually level some pets. I want to see your open world content achievs.

Everyone is a soloplayer at least some of the time. But not all solo players are dungeon players or raiders.

So this means literally the majority of people are solo players even if not full time solo players. So it’s kind of weird to have little solo content added each expansion.

I don’t understand how people are out of content, or expect world quest to be the only type of content for solo players? I’ve been playing a bunch and I’m still finding things to do when I log online. I’ll work on tradeskills, gather some herbs to sell on the AH for gold, finish up random side quests, catch up on world quests, put together a group for a mythic 0, help a friend with something they’re doing. If I’m just not in the mood for any of that, I hop to another character to work on their professions/level them. I don’t hardcore raid, or do high mythic plus keys.

Was it really such a big ask to give us just a few more daily resets? I really don’t think any casuals would lose any sleep over having one more daily hub

you are serious? primal storms is group content??

wtf was blizzard even doing saying that theyll do more for solo casuals when they arent? oh right, get the buys.


Honestly, I think its because they plan to but we won’t see it until next expansion due to how the pipeline works. Sadly I mistaken Ion directly referencing the understanding of needing it as it being something that was part of the dragon expansion. But realisitcally given the rest of the interview it’s probably something we won’t see until what ever comes next. Which feels terrible. But it is what it is.

Your opinion

Again an opinion

You get rewards from pet battles my dude. Current content is important but guess what, old content is still content

Your post reeks of entitlement and self servicing opinions with no factual basis for an argument. People do not want a 24 hour turn around for world quests. Theyd rather have more world quests with the longer timer removing the longer timer removes the QOL they are literally quoted on saying was coming with this expansion, because like it or not people do have lives and go im too tired maybe I don’t want to do this WQ today so it can eait tomorrow and know its still there. Thats QOL.

make alts. Boom theres content.

That was a comment to a person that was saying I should be experiencing the expansion by doing old content just barely into the new expansion. It’s naturally fairly opinionated.