Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

Hello blue marks, my old friend.
I’ve come to finish you again.

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yeah thanks I remember this part.

It’s true many people do all sorts of content and Ion does a wonderful job at side stepping the question here but ultimately answers it later in the video in the time stamp I gave you where he literally says the solo players are the silent majority. But even that encompasses a fair bit of different play styles. But I think its a silly assumption that Blizzard had the answer of what the majority of solo players wanted in just 7 hours. You maybe get the opinion of those who actually spoke in possibly one time zone but its not a good representation of player feedback.

Yup… This sht annoyings me because im literally at the point I can’t do anything in the game because my mythics are done, I can’t work on my professions because all of my possible stuff to level my is locked behind reputations or specializations (of which getting dragon knowledge is damn near impossible), and at the moment, for some reason, ALL disturbed dirt and expedition packs have disappeared from the game for me…

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It is a symptom of mental illness to only enjoy one specific set of activities and freak out like snape here when something changes about it.

The funny thing is that hes wrong and there are daily quests like every expansion lol. Plenty to do every day after work and then some.

Some people want to do them everyday. They don’t do much else in the game and for them its content that’s no longer here.

Some people don’t like doing them every day. They feel compelled to and want to them less. So Blizz lessened how often they come up.


Honestly, yes. There should be, I’m just trying to understand what those things should / could be.

What should this game have more of, and how much more of it does it need in order to be satisfactory?

What’s gone away that people who decry ‘Raid or die’ want back?

So… you mean like the whole group loot/personal loot debacle?

Eitherway even if they did have a mental illness. Not agreeing that they do. I think maybe calling people out for it is a little much. No reason to attack people here, if you disagree with an opinion thats fine, but if you get so frustrated with a conversation with someone you feel the need to drop insults. It may be best to just ignore them and move along. I don’t really want this thread to devolve into some insult fest if it can be avoided.

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Are you talking about OCD?

Are you against m+ too, then? :thinking:

OCD, Autism, and others all lean toward repetitive tasks being more soothing. But it’s not really the only people that find a repetitive experience to be enjoyable. It’s unfair to make an asumption based on that alone. And the outburst I saw appeared most likely done from frustration and or being tired always dealing with the same type of people saying the same things.


Except he doesn’t. “Going back to earlier conversations about player groups and silent majorities and so forth”. Is the exact quote.

Autism is not a mental illness.

Ehh you hang around devs long enough you end up knowing when they are just footing things around in order to not make someone elses brain explode because they said something. It’s pretty evident that he was saying Solo players are the silent majority. Going back to the conversation about players group and silent majorities and so forth we do feel like solo players have been underserved. It’s a weird statement to say if the solo players are not the silent majorities otherwise why even say going back to that statement? It would be irrelevant to that conversation and question.

Obviously blizzard has better internal data, and going off your stipulation that solo players by definition don’t do any group content, you’ll be delighted to know that in the middle of SL S3, every single SL launch mythic dungeons showed as having been done by over 65% of players.

In fact, it’s currently telling me that 20% more players have done ruby life pools normal than ave hit level 70.

Can I ask you personally what it is you want to see blizzard do more of?

From what I’ve gathered you want more content that doesn’t require a group, but from your comments towards torghast and obsidian keep farming you also want that content to not be meaningfully easier / more efficient if done in a group?

If blizzard were to come out and say ‘We’re doing a solo player content patch’ what would you want to see in it?

It being easier for a group isn’t an issue at all. But it’s pretty evident when content is designed for group players. If you need to eat and drink after a single mob it’s pretty clear it’s not really solo content (unless maybe your playing a really off way) Torghast was designed to be done by certain item levels and those item levels was only obtainable by people that did group content. So it in effect made Torghast itself group content. The outdoor Dragonskeep area has the health and damage of quests that are recommended for 3 players. So it’s a fair assumption that that zone was designed for partys of at the very least 2 or more. Honestly love the dragons seige area and the outdoor torghast zone they have. But it’s not really designed for non group play and thats ok. Because there happens to be group players that want world content to. Problem is there isn’t things like that for those who do not group. World Quests filled that Niche, but problem is this expansion we only get them once every 3 days.

Yeah, Solo players may interact in group content when forced to enough but generally won’t enjoy it and will burn out quickly if forced too hard. A single completion of some group content doesn’t really surprise me. I know for example things like lore master requires doing at least 2 normal dungeons.

So what do you want to see change? Was the way the mage tower was reimplemented something you enjoyed? (Not necessarily talking difficulty)

Would a zone / area similar to the old nether drake / cloud serpent areas be something you’d love to see in future?

Content that’s designed for group players being more common than designed for solo players in a multiplayer game? Perish the thought.,