Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

that is a lot better than doing dragonbane keep endlessly all day which is what some raider types think people should be doing because they are personally ‘exploiting’ a bug right now

Imagine thinking content is logging in every single day of the week to run the same handful of world quests killing the same mobs over and over that you literally don’t even need to know the basics of your class and can just mash buttons.

If you are going to miss that type of content, there’s probably other games out there that are super easy and repetitive that you can do


Apparently that is what they want, and they want to get mythic raid gear for doing so, the entitlement and disconnect from these people is insane, they deserve to be ignored.

Talking to op is like indulging a crazy guy standing on a street corner ranting about end of the world.

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So world of Warcraft, for over 10 years since 2007 with its daily quest hubs EVERY SINGLE PATCH was a game designed for people with mental illness?


Excuse me but why is it a mental illness to enjoy repetitive tasks.

I’m sorry that its not what you enjoy but that doesn’t make it an illness.

Besides this is a hilarious argument, dungeons and raids are 10x more repetitive then world quests.

No controversy, I’m just surprised that’s enough for… Idk, anyone really. Do you care if the world quests are interesting / involved, or is it more of a “Go to ! Do thing, no more !, Feel good” kind of thing?

No malice or ill intent. I’m genuinely trying to understand what you, and players like you actually want from the game so I can better understand how other changes affect that.

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jesus man slow down

Why do you care so much about how others play this game THAT YOU ACTIVELY WANT THEIR WAY TO PLAY THE GAME TAKEN FROM THEM?

Wait wait, where are people crying for mythic raid gear for doing world quests? All I see are people asking for WQs to be refreshed daily instead of every 3 1/2 days.

You sure you aren’t the crazy guy standing on a street corner?


From what I understand, if I put myself in your shoes… your method of playing the game has not gone away. It is simply, from your perspective, much more famine than feast right now.

I find it soothing to complete a list of tasks and be rewarded for it. I don’t care what the tasks are unless it’s needlessly complicated or annoying. I want to be told to kill a few things loot a few things and DING reward. ITS A NICE FEELING AND IT RELAXES ME AFTER A LONG DAY AT WORK, WHY IS THAT SUCH A BAD THJNG

Allow me to counter with this clip:

“Everyone does everything”

Every time I turn in a quest, 2 more take its place. It’s like fighting the Hydra.

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I have no idea who you think I’m supposed to be helping here.


if you was attempting to time stamp it didn’t work. And im sooooo not watching a 5 hour video.

Now you listen here, just because you made a funny doesn’t give you the right.

Time stamp is 1:23:14

I feel the exact same way about m+ players, my addons keep chat history, I left WoW for over a year to play FF and other MMO’s came back and the exact same person in LFG was asking for the exact same dungeon.

I can’t fathom how unfun it would be for me to run Plaguefall or something weekly for a year+, thats not my idea of fun.

I just want to log in and make some progress towards something that will be on my account for the next ten years, like an otter mount.

as far as ‘casual solo content’ I stopped raiding in Cata but LFR at the end of Cata and through MoP kept my friend group together enough for ‘Hey we’re all online lets do siege’

Then WoD killed LFR by having ugly gear and we all unsubbed, then Legion kept us all together running transmog raids, balance of power pugs, mage towers (all 36), orderhalls on every class, I played every spec in the game throughout most of the expansion doing super easy solo content like farming artifact appearances or (as I want in Dragonflight) Reputations! paragon boxes etc

There has to be more to the most successful MMORPG in the world than dungeons and raids.

It’s not, apologies if anything I’ve said specifically has caused you any upset.

So it’s really a quantity > quality thing, and more about the psychology of a job well done and having routine and some sense of achievement. I respect that and can understand that perspective.

What, for you, makes the game better then? Just having more !s on the map each day? As long as the individual tasks aren’t needlessly tedious ofcourse.