Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

Calling a spade a spade isn’t trolling, you are angry, you are jealous, you are petty, and you are certainly insecure.

Having a subscription doesn’t entitle you to anything, also you can add entitled to the list above that describes you.

It’s the Rorschach test aspect of the word “casual” when applied to MMOs.

I don’t want to play more characters. I’ve never grounded dailies on anyone but my majn. There is no point to because they don’t increase the rep bar on my main

No, problem not solved

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Can someone explain to me what the complaint here is? What is the big deal with having world quests to or not to do every day?

You do not have a point. Orange text does not on its own validate what you say, bud. You still have to provide legitimacy to your statements the way anyone else does to be taken seriously.

Knowing a piece will be replaced in an amount of time does not make said piece useless to get. This is not an opinion.

at 3 am - that is the number of people across all servers wanting to do looks less than 10 tbh- that bug will be fixed that is letting people do those endlessly for gear. Then people won’t be doing them constantly.

People unable to control themselves want blizz to artificially restrict their content so they DONT FEEL AHUURDDUHHR OVERHWELMEEDDDDDDD

And your being little more then an abusive E-bully. It speaks loads about your own self worth. Can we please remain civil here now. Thanks.

I am being civil, you are the one who made a thread crying and making demands about how it’s sooo unfair that blizzard doesn’t specifically cater to you and you specifically and how it’s unfair that you can’t get the best rewards for doing “casual solo” content.

Move on, play the game, stop being such an entitled cry baby.

You ARE petty, you ARE jealous, you ARE insecure, you ARE entitled, I’m not trolling, this is the truth of the matter, try looking in the mirror for what you are, another pathetic whiny person giving real casuals a bad name.

You arn’t a casual, you’re an entitled complainer.

People are unable to find content in the game without a flashing neon exclamation mark telling them something’s there.




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My friend can you please chill out.


I just don’t understand whats so bad about making meaningful progress towards a reputation you want to work on daily.

Mythic+ and raids aren’t everyones idea of fun anymore, I can’t get my friends back into WoW because of the prospect of running the same dungeons for months on end, but I can get my girlfriend and her sister back into WoW by showing them cute otter mounts, now all they have to work towards their goal of cute otter mounts is a 150rep daily, pray for world quests twice a week and a weekly event.

But if that otter mount came from Wrathion or the Expedition they could farm it out in a night? and thats not chorecraft forced content?

I’d infinitely prefer to be a few days behind on world quests than log in day 1 of the expansion and be behind people who farmed out wrathion rep I won’t see the end of for another 2 months of doing his weekly hand in quest.

This would all be less offensive if all the factions worked identical and two of them weren’t way way way slower for seemingly no reason.

Logging in daily and having something to do is nice, the largest mmo in the world should be more than mythic+, theres an entire playerbase out there.

Even if we go back to MoP conquest style “you can only earn 7 days worth of rep a week” and its a bar you either fill daily or pump out on the last day of the week and still keep up.

I just can’t relate to the people who think they’re being forced into the content, you’re already fully Mythic geared, random world quests and events are giving you 380+ilvl gear while I sit in my 350 nothing gear, why does it matter if I work towards unlocking 370 bracers 3 weeks from now when half the server is already fully decked out and past the point of needing rep gear?


I just want to know what people actually want to do in this game when they say they want casual solo content.

Do people really just want to fly around in circles checking exclamation marks off the map by doing menial quests they’ve already done before, day in day out?

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Yes. Why is that such a controversy? That’s how I’ve played the game for over 10 years

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If all these world events that already exist had an exclamation mark on the map, and no additional rewards, you’d be all for them?

I was actually calling for them to stick to their word in their recent interview.

And even further in he speaks of how the silent majority solo players being under served.

So yeah. Hate me for calling on them to do as they said, or you can focus your energy on Blizzard for saying things that you disagree with in order to provide people like myself with hope.

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I have 94 hours /played on Brewa at level 70, almost all of which has been in world content. I haven’t touched a Heroic dungeon since last Tuesday.

There’s plenty of world content in the game already.

Would they be changed to daily loot lockouts? Then sure, then they’d simply be updated world quests. If they’re not daily then no

The game shouldn’t be designed around people with mental illness

You have daily content. You have things to do every day ad infinitum.

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