Sigh. Disappointed again (World Quests)

I mean, at least the rep rewards are somewhat relevant for now at least, most rep items are completely useless in the long run.

…Again, this is such a ridiculous line of argument. Nothing in this game is relevant. At some point you will replace every piece of gear.

Nothing is forced. You can play this game in nearly any fashion you desire.

These do not refute peoples’ feeling of being left behind because of overwhelming rep-grind chores.

I mean, it’s really either people get the gear now when it semi matters or later when it’s literally not purchased because it’s worse than normal mode gear.

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Where do we put them? I think you’re on to something, but this is a distinctly different line of discussion than you were having before, and from what OP wanted to start.

And why dont you think mounts bragging rights achivments more pets and transmog isnt part of the solo player shpiel? The world quests as is isnt even a dip in what there is to do as far as solo content. They obviously will add more in the future.
Do more stuff. You obviously dont do much of anything

It’s not even about being “left behind”.

The 3.5-day WQ cycle allows people to say “I’m tired, I’ll do this tomorrow”.

Switching back to daily chores (24-hour WQ’s) eliminates that QOL improvement.

That’s the issue.

If Blizzard wants to triple the number of WQ’s but keep them on 3.5-day timers, nobody would complain.


I don’t know

I don’t care


Yeah, but I’d still argue that boiled down this equates to not wanting to feel left out for being a human being that doesn’t want to be permanently online in WoW. Even if that is a hyperbolic view.

Its not. You get a 380 and 390 piece. Thats equivelant to +9 rewards and you can upgrade higher than that without any rating. We arent talking about pieces that you will keep for potentially far longer but pieces you will more than just likely replace by week 1 or 2.

Then people need to develop a thicker skin. The items are irrelevant for anyone but the rwf people and most certainly dont justify this religious fanatism of “I NEED IT!”.

And again Wrathion is a reputation that you can max within a day. It takes a couple hours to finish it if you actually farm it.

Your right, I do what I enjoy as a solo player. It’s called being a casual player. I know a lot of people identify as casual but its kinda weird because they have achievement point levels that suggest a more hardcore playstyle.

yea this is very true lol.

there’s legit no point in me farming this rep for any reason other than im bored.

I’m gonna replace all of this gear week one realistically.

again though this is only thinking from the raider / m+ side of things and not the professions sides of things. but i feel like if you cared a lot about your professions you would’ve done the grinds to begin with.

Go make more characters.

They reset every three days. You can do the quests as many ones as you want. Heck, you can have it set up so you can do the dailies with you always having something to do the next day.

Get three or four characters.

There. Your problem is solved.

Oh look another post where some solo casual thinks they deserve all the loot.
its all so tiresome.
No matter what they give you, you will always complain, it’s been this way ever since vanilla.
Since 2004 they have catered almost exclusively to you, this entire game revolves around giving casuals what they want.
Mythic and raiding is actually one of the smallest parts of the game.
You’re just a petty, insecure, jealous, angry little man.

If you want the 1% of the gear that is given to the most dedicated and skilled players, than you need to put in the work, don’t like this simple concept? beat it

No one needs justification for playing the game in a way that they want. “They’re all stupid for doing it” is not a valid argument. Try again.

Just want exactly are you asking for.

Seriously… Just … What?

Give me an even rough outline of ‘solo content’ they should focus on, that wouldn’t instantly be used by gold farmers, raid prepping, or M+ Prepping, or be cleared so fast & brainlessly that anyone would forget they did it less than 10 minutes later.

Seriously… . I’m a solo player mostly, and even I get Mythic (dungeons) in & done via the LFG tool, and on classes that have very negative things tied to them.

Seriously… What content do you actually want? You whine & moan about ‘raid/M+’ content… but you can’t even give a rough idea of what you want from them.

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In 2004 people could log off and not feel forced to log in because of dailies lol.

I find usually the people the stoop to insults on their first post in a thread are actually the ones that are these things. Reported for trolling.

Have a nice day.

I dont have to try again. My point still remains.

The items are irrelevant. They will be replaced by week 1or 2 of season start. Wrathion reputation is a terrible example given its not of the same kind.

They never know what they want, that’s the stupidest part, like I said, people like op are just jealous, insecure, petty, angry little men upset that someone else has a toy they don’t

The original change to daily was them going back on their word and marketing.