Siege of Boralus being in the m+ pool is definitive proof of how insanely out of touch they are

Doing the same dungeons over and over from Season 1 to Season 4 (the whole expansion) is BORING. 120 weeks of same dungeons?

Putting back some old Dungeons to mix with the new dungeons is better. Season 1, Season 2, Season 3 and Season 4… all different from each other. That’s better.

What do you want to do with the old content? Discard them? Just for lowbie players to faceroll it over and over? We want to see old Content in action in the present.

Blizz listens. WoW is 20 years old. No other MMO has done what WoW has done. It’s just hard to satisfy million players on this HUGE Massive game. If you think WoW is garbage, you can just leave. See for yourself those other MMOs, worse than a garbage.

Trust me, people are leaving.

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Yup. People were leaving since TBC. 20 years later, people still leaving.

This is such a bad take, they could easily make enough new dungeons that they could rotate them out each season. Why can they only make 8 new dungeons? Stop making excuses for a billion dollar game studio. Blizzard needs to do better here.


You were not here when they first did it. M+ players seems so happy. I suspect that you are not an M+ player… as you hide your profile.

They were happy they did it because running the same 8 dungeons was boring for 2 years. Blizzard just took the lazy way out here.

The game is just too formulaic now.

Weird, you went to look at my profile, you kids are all the same.


People have been really kick happy this season. I bit off a bit too much as a tank and the healer said something which was fine and then a DPS talked trash to the healer which resulted in the DPS and myself getting kicked. Another time during pre launch I advised a grouo they went the wrong way in a dungeon and I got booted for that as well. Glad m+ is out and I can stay out of group finder. Its a toxic place.

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Grim Batol also says hi.

Honestly though, this dungeon pool is pretty bad. The only 3 cases to dodge it are MOTS, NW and Stonevault. And even then, the last 2 have each 1 boss that’s horrendous due to terrible damage tuning (abominations boss in NW, the dual boss in SV). The Dawnbreaker would be okay if not for the LoS and bugs (2nd boss is kind of brutal damage-wise, but i believe its more due to the lack of gear and/or people not fully knowing how the boss works).

What the hell were the devs thinking? I swore off Grim Batol as it is because its awful, i only barely tolerate Boralus (and even then, i hate third boss lol), the trash count in NW requires you to pull like 95% of the dungeon trash, and more. It’s bad design after bad design.

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I saw this post before attempting SoB for the first time, and since I vaguely remember not liking it in BFA I went in expecting the worst. I gotta say, it really wasn’t that bad at all. I’d even go as far to say it’s one of the more fun dungeons on the rotation right now. Went in to a +3 with a tank who said it was his first time ever seeing it and we easily 3 chested it. First boss died before my big cooldowns finished. Last boss wasn’t fun (mostly because I dislike gimmicky bosses that you don’t directly kill with your own damage) but it wasn’t exactly difficult or even that annoying. I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s experience or anything but maybe try it again with a more open mind and be more flexible in your approach, SoB seems pretty great.

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This happened to me on my shaman the 2 times I’ve run it so far. Like ok I guess I will just walk around for a while? lmao Really fun.

This dungeon was bad then and is worse now, very exciting season 1 dungeon…

This honestly should be fixed for every race. Trying to play a gnome/mechagnome in any season where there is a puddle that exists in the dungeon pool is a nightmare. Darkheart Thicket you were basically just swimming the whole time from boss 2 till boss 3 xD

They’re also unbearably crammed too.

“Here’s all these mechanics and swirlies you must dodge but don’t dodge too far, or else you but pull these 2 packs over here and wipe the group!”

“Oh you like your clear pathing? Well screw you, here’s a bunch of random obstacles for your character to get stuck and completely mess up your camera!”

“Hate being CC’d? No problem! We’re going to put random banana peels on the ground to stun you, then a big guy’s going to cast a giant AoE nova fear to keep you CC’d a lot longer! You guys don’t actually enjoy playing the game, do you!?!”


They need Occulus and classic Gnomeregan M+

I did it on heroic.

Did it in BfA.

The dungeon is fine. People don’t like the mechanics. It is what it is.

Personally, I’m sick of the M+ mindset in dungeons. Rushing through everything. It’s supposed to be harder than world content. You should NOT be able to pull 5 packs of 5 elite mobs and burn them down with nobody dying.

I liked taking time and pulling 1 or 2 packs at a time. You had no other choice. If you pulled more everyone dies. That is how it should be. A dungeon should be a challenge not content you can overpower and ignore.

Just my $0.02

Every time the first boss fixated me with not a single bomb in sight I always tought “hell, its me again. Curse this rng”. Now i know it is somehow intentional, sheesh

At least havent been kicked yet. Usually can pull off decent damage while kiting because only my aimed shot requires me to stand still.

Every time the hook mobs pull me in i disengage back to where i was. I dont need to do it i just do it out of spite. You will NOT tell me where to stand mr nameless mob sir

Can relate to that. Not in this game, but in EQ2. Small races there had the same problem. I played a Fae, and I would be swimming in water a player next to me was standing in.

The hilarious part is even if you use a atomic recalibrator to change yourself into a tauren it will still force you to swim ankle deep water.

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MMOs really be having it in for the little ones I see :joy:

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ah yeah gnome halfling froglock ratonga has all this problem too D:

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Just because your role has annoying issues doesn’t mean other roles don’t.

Flow of the fight, the amount swirly’s dropped under mobs and bosses, tanks leaving mobs in swirly’s you have to run around, no melee range extenders, all cause melee spends a lot of time not attacking as well.

So next time the boss drops a huge ground AoE on itself and you get to keep shooting while everyone else is running out you might think of how confirmation bias causes you not to take that into account.

Sorry, but anyone who runs the content know that melee have a far easier time doing less mechanics in recent times. Having to occasionally run out then use you 100x mobility skills to instantly go back in is nothing compared to the constant and relentless assault of swirlies etc and just plain mechanics making ranged move more.

Most of the things that make melee move still allow them to dps without breaking their rotation. If your argument is that some tanks are bad and tank things in swirlies, then stop playing with bad tanks.