Siege of Boralus being in the m+ pool is definitive proof of how insanely out of touch they are

Ranged player has to deal with ranged-hostile mechanics for the first time in their life.

Melee players 'avin a giggol.

I can clear the dungeons on Mythic+ but that doesn’t mean it’s not the worst season of dungeons they’ve had to date. It’s a pseudo difficulty, coming from annoying mechanics and not ones that take skill, only mental endurance to not get annoyed to hell.


Put Grim Batol and Dawnbreaker up there as well.

Do they have different teams for the different expansions? Can’t believe it’s the same people who created the dragonflight dungeons.

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No ranged should complain about stopping DPS to do mechanics.

The real compounded issue is not being able to play your class.

In larger packs, mobs pull casters in, then we need to move out of swirlies, only to be pulled again by another mob, move, get pulled again. For the entire pull, many casters feel useless.

(Luckily my lock has instants that do significant damage)

I did it last night on a 3 and I thought it was relatively easy, until we got to last boss. I imagine all of these mythics will get some reworks though. It does feel like some of the mechanics, in nearly every dungeon, are hitting harder then they should be. Same with delves where it seems like a lot of borderline 1 shot mechanics are almost unavoidable.

I never really enjoyed this instance even back in BFA. I would have much rather had Freehold or Waycrest Manor myself.

Siege sucks

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SoB is actually one of the relaxing ones to me.
(i liked the OG better tho. not a big fan of the lil changes they made for no reason)

ara-k and NW are the ones that make me shudder as i go higher in+s

Squid boss in boralus made me rage harder than I ever have before in BFA and it has done it again.

Worst boss encounter ever designed.

Also almost bricked a dawnbreaker key last night because I got the z axis disconnect bug when I flew into an orb too fast and chain dc’d 5 times in a row trying to get to the last boss as a healer.

Even logging into another character for a minut which usually fixes the chain dc didn’t help

God I wish they didn’t have the buggy as hell dawnbreaker dungeon in s1

The melee also have to move out???

i have not had anything bug for me but plenty of people in my groups did.

a lot of ppl go through the boat and die somehow

even have a druid healer friend who always dies at the spider miniboss in the central square. the logs dont say what kills him nor how much damage it was… jsut death. and his corpse gets teleported instead of staying there, while the miniboss is still alive.

Re-read my post. Understand how non-mage/lock casters work and feel.

The other thread said that M0 now is like M+10. If that is true, Siege of Boralus, Grim Batol and Dawnbreaker must be fine. The rest are bug’d as it’s a bit easy like they dont feel like an M+10. Lets tell Blizz to make those dungeons harder. We want all M0s to feel like they’re M+10s.

You do understand the game has many, many, MANY more mechanics that require melee to stop DPS than ranged, right?

Are you acoustic?

Acoustic… I don’t think that’s the word you were trying to use there, bub.

I’ve literally had no issues in this dungeon on both my melee and ranged healers, and my groups don’t die. I consider siege on of, if not the easiest to push this season. Ya’ll are crazy. But then again, people can’t adapt and still think gripping tentacle should die first on this remake. (Hint, its not).

Don’t @ me if you’re not complaining about CoT last boss on high keys.


Siege is a dungeon designed like a scenario. It tells a good story, but it’s chaotic. I surprisingly don’t mind it. It’s not as bad as it was when it first came out in BFA. I’m just glad it isn’t Underrot.

This is my first time doing this dungeon and this was frustrating the hell out of me. I was running in circles looking for bombs to kite him into, the bombs finally come out and I’m immediately pulled into him and die.

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This is what happens when you have a company that is too lazy to fully design all new dungeons for each expansion instead of getting a handful of new and than shoving old rehashed content at people.

On top of not even testing things to make sure they function correctly. That is the responsibility of the players who pay the sub fees to be the testers.

Gamers have become far too lenient on game designers and just accept the garbage shoveled to them and it’s been at a point for the last decade where any criticism, even when it is meant in a way to genuinely improve the game and not just whine incoherently while telling designers to f off.

It’s a problem when a company has become so devoid of any actual content for their playerbase and the playerbase actively accepts and defends said company. Blizzard does not need people to fight their battles for them, they need to actually listen to the quality feedback instead of being upset over the fact they deisgned poor content.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a company so spiteful and disregard their majority playerbase as Blizzard has over the last decade. They’ve never been amazing at it, but at least before they gave the notion that they gave a damn about the people paying their salaries.


You guys got it all wrong.

The absolute worse thing about this dungeon is when the Spotter jumps in the water. He then swims away where no one can attack and you are in constant combat through the rest of the dungeon adding his ability as a new affix.

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