Siege making a comeback is definitely one of the top contenders for worst m+ decision of the season. I’ve heard that even dwarves get the swimming issue on the giant boss, the first time I’ve ever heard of dwarf having any meaningful disadvantage in pve content. But I havent pushed up to 10+ keys yet, so there’s still room to see whether the other dungeons could surprise me with some extra cursed nonsense that I might hate even more.
Race changed from vulpera to pandaren on my main over it.
I know not everyone thinks like me (unfortunately) but I’m happy for ranged to be low on that boss due to kiting because I know it’s necessary and the group gains +50% dmg during stun to make up for the lost dps (on paper).
I don’t know if it was a bug or if someone died with fixate but I did get chased as the tank in a +2 last night and there were zero bombs to kite him into so I just got juggled for 60 seconds which was frustrating as hell.
Does anyone know off hand if changing your race with the re-atomizer or the new enchanting glimmers gives you the new races hitbox or if you retain your tiny model just with a different skin?
I never liked the layout of Siege, it’s really bad. At least I’m not tanking it.
Wait, what? Dawnbreaker, Echoes, Stonevault and Mists are cool.
Im typically 2600-3k at least, but seriously chilling this season. Doing whatever I can to gear without M+. Seems like they are trying to figure a lot out, several classes are busted. New Blizz lead is inflated the economy where even flasks and items are max priced across servers. Wow coins are worthless 15 for maybe a week or two of raiding. Skin prices up. Services up. Makes it hard for casual players to rationalize. M+ is all over the place, typically if you +8 you can get mythic gear, now its harder and you have to +10, in general made game slower to clear dungeons so you’re getting more of a time sinc at high M+ than before, but easier if you have gear to hit +7s just more time, slower kills, longer more tedious.
BFA probably has the worst dungeons of any expansion. They’re all loaded with annoying mechanics and RNG stuff. Siege is also extremely annoying for people who haven’t done it because the layout is very hard to understand the first few times you do it.
Siege really isn’t that bad It’s just a long, exhausting dungeon with strict checks on all bosses.
Dawnbreaker, Necrotic Wake and Mists of Tirna Scithe are all free keys.
Necrotic Wake is NOT free. The third boss is a huge damage and more importantly a healing check on 7+.
There are a plethora of area denial abilities in these Dungeons the force melee out of range.
Yeah… I still hate the dungeon. Never liked it… This season roster is not my favorite at all.
Siege is up there as one of my least favorite dungeons in recent expansions and I’m still waiting to hear that it being in the pool is an out of season april fools joke. If I could have a season with tol dagor, kings rest, shrine of storms, and arcway but siege was never brought back I would be happier than the alternative. And that is before the inane changes that were calculated to make siege even more miserable than ever before. 2 dispels on the last boss after making mass dispel a minute+ cd, unstoppable knock backs nonstop with a short cooldown even on a stupid heal check boss, no changes to the godawful arena on the last boss. Also lets destroy the ability to kill trash with the bombardments but also keep that sniper pack that was designed to be killed by bombardments in completely unchanged and call it a heal check or something lmao.
Also people insisted on doing the only somewhat awful pathing of jumping down into shark infested waters to dodge the awful natural path because it is not a good area for gameplay, so lets just throw a portal and change all the downstairs trash so people stop doing that instead of addressing that people jumped down because the upstairs starting area is an awful arena and the trash they put there didn’t help!
Wanna know exactly how out of touch they are?
Ask them the cost of a gallon of milk. I bet they don’t even know.
Music to my ears although I wish it worked against hunters, but nothing works against hunters
I had to solo it in DF at Mythic for the tailor tool (on my priest) and it was a pain even then.
Thank god sanguine and quaking don’t exist as there’s a bunch of tight areas
Too shallow would imply that there is next to no depth to the water at all. You don’t swim in shallow water, you walk in it. You swim in deep water! So technically the water would be just deep enough that your goblin has to swim.
First boss definitely targets melee. Both of my Siege runs over the last 3 days I’ve been targeted as a DK.
And I’m pretty sure the ranged weren’t all dead in either case, so I’m 99% sure he wasn’t default targeting.
Doesnt neccesarily take very little brain to do things as melee. Melee is often right there with the tank. Some classes have extended rotations that need constant connection with the bosses Hitbox or dps will tank. I get casters and ranged have positioning and cooldowns. But you cant knock all melee users for bad boss mechs. Ill use mage as example. Not going to knock them but standing there casting three Arcane abilities and pushing 1.5 mil dps doesnt seem so stressful. Not every boss will chase ranged. Not every boss will be friendly to melee due to mechs. Plenty of boss fights where melee has do to all sorts of stuff and ranged pump dps. Its give and take.
I like siege ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I kind of find Siege of Boralus a bit harsh for lowbie players. Its Mythic0 is like Mythic+10.
But all you listed is really like a Learn2play issue. I guess you destroy other M+ Dungeons at M+10 first then go back to Siege of Boralus to do M+0 and pretend it’s M+10.
I completed M0 Siege of Boralus last week. I got KSM on BFA with that dungeon on the list.
I tried M+2 last night and several players died and when the Tank died, that’s only when I died. Then my PC crashed during the 2nd Boss fight. I have done several M+ and M0 since last week and I never crashed. Sorry for my party last night. I didnt play M+ for the rest of the night as my system might crash again. I tested and ran 4x Tier 8 Delves instead, completed it without a crash. I was unlucky on that Siege of Boralus ran last night.
With your complaint about Range, nope, Siege of Boralus is fine for Range. You just need to learn and grasp the fight mechanics.