Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

LMAO, he does, we have many SS of him afk in bases :smiley:

Even as Alliance, he’d be AFK at their base.

Meanwhile, what other blood dks do:

  1. Be an annoying distraction
  2. Guard an SS
  3. Lead the front lines
  4. Kill a mage

Someone we’re all familiar with:

  1. Afk
  2. Wait for AA while afk
  3. Afk
  4. New forum post incoming
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I’ve stolen the aa many times. Of course it didn’t matter cause the enemy team already won in the matchmaking fight before the que popped.

But I still got it.

So, someone else killed the enemy AA and you ran in and took it hostage. Excellent work.

Given it only died because I had to grip it 3 times to get people to hit it.

Yeah I deserve it the most in that case but unfortunately ranged believe they are entitled to it and will start yelling if I don’t hand it over immediately.

You don’t deserve it, no one deserves it.

But your team will certainly be worse off if you hold it hostage, you’re not a good enough DK for it to be better on you than on a ranged player.

He does hold it hostage. I have healers appointed to grip him off it. :smiley:

And who do you imagine is narlz? Dreadnot? Good one

And also we’ve won many times cause I got it after simple jack on ranged had basically uber delivered it.

I’d give it to Mortality or Cidik. I don’t know the ones you’ve named.

You’re mistaking correlation for causation.

Oh you mean the 2 who rerolled to dk after me?

Cause they saw it was op

I mean when the team is getting stomped before I get it and winning after what do you call that.

I don’t know the timeline, but they play the class well.

Correlation. There are many factors in winning a BG. You might have some big hitters zone in, because losers left. Maybe the enemy team lost a good healer. Maybe a healer on your team stopped watching YouTube instead of playing properly. Who knows? But asserting that your team won because a mediocre DK picked the AA is you mistaking correlation for causation.

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Be sure to stretch before reaching that far.

Well I mean you are free to stop being a 1 class Andy and try playing it yourself

You’ll find that dk is one of the harder tanks.

And that unholy has ability bloat while still doing less damage than 3 button havoc or warrior.

And frost is just straight up terrible and only a handful of people in the world can actually make it work at decent rating with very specific comps.

I play all the classes, as of Remix, I have at least 2 of each.

unholy is always going to be the best spec to take the AA. i took the AA once as blood and while it was funny to have 10m HP on the road, it didn’t feel like i was making full use out of the buff the way i could if i was unholy.

Oh, sure, if we’re restricting it to DKs.

But Çharming says they deserve it because they gripped the enemy AA, and won’t give it to anyone else.

yeah, but even without restricting it to DK, its hard to beat a good unholy with the AA. the combination of AoE with pushing power is hard to beat, plus unholy isn’t going to steal all the KBs, so everyone can get in on the fun. then add all the defensives and melee road buff that ranged don’t get, and you have a very strong candidate to be the official “best” class to carry the AA.

Never said btw.

Usually I do give it to someone else after a minute or two cause the whining and entitlement gets so loud.

So, you hand it over because people are complaining about it, not because you’re trying to help your team.

Well I mean why should I care about the team?

Especially if we’re winning while I have it who does it matter who the aa is on?

There have been times when I’ve found the aa in classic ashran.

And if I found it that means I should get to have it right? Wrong evidently I still had a mm reroll or 5 in chat about it in a minute tops.

You should care, because you’re playing a team game.

Classic Ashran doesn’t matter.

It never ends, you can have it as much as you want, people are there for the side events.