Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

UH prolly best melee to have AA

boomkin and fire mage are the best overall and it’s not close

destro and/or aff lock and ele shaman close second

maybe UH better than BM and MM, spriest prolly slightly above or below UH depending on the balance of a given season, and UH def better than demo lock, frost/arcane mages, and dev/aug evoker

Kraft Dinner is my favourite “lazy man” food.

Not convinced of that.

The only things that require actual interaction with other players is mythic raiding and title key pushing potentially.

Pika has been releasing videos of him even getting glad with people from lfg without talking to them that deeply.

https:// imgur. com/a/OfYIXrg

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That was a nice wg defeat you just had there.

I had nine and pugs who were dumb as rocks.

Its ok i just started an ashran 27v35.

Hey thanks premades appreciate you

that is one disgusting UI

Thanks! :smiley:

Btw how long did it take you fish up that post from 4 years ago to try and use it to justify what you do.

So you have a blue post that is semi validating it but he doesn’t really know the full picture from 4 years ago.

And as holycow has posted there is a bluepost from 10 years ago that says explicity that it ruins pvp which it did back then and it still does.

I wouldn’t say either one is definitive.

What one blue thinks is fine another could think is not. Just like some players think syncing ruins the game mode for all but a select hand few who think there is something in it for them.

I’ve heard someone say they were doing it for the 25000 kills achievement lmao an achievement i got back in 2014 that you don’t need a premade for btw.

He’s given me AA before, and usually does if I ask nicely.

Difference is one is from a current blizzard employee talking to the developers and is much more recent and the other is from a former employee from years ago.

imagine requiring the chaos of random players doing whatever they want for you to enjoy being carried.

IMO, the most definitive indication that the devs don’t want premade raids going against random pugs is that the game does not allow players to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

The bracket is meant for random players to fight against similarly random players.

I don’t agree with people who want premade raids vs. random pugs. They don’t care about the spirit of fair play and the growth/health of the PvP community.


Sure we care about the growth of the pvp community. We accept new and returning players with no gear. We carry pugs to wins, achievements, conquest, honor, gear…I’d say communities are more valuable than they are given credit for.

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The PvP community in this game is the size of a walnut compared to pve.

And always has been I don’t think anyone who actually cares about good PvP plays this game.

it’s more where older people who can’t play the PvP games everyone takes seriously league valorant or apex gather to feel better about themselves as they roll people on a op class with 3 buttons. Thats why you get so many people rushing to defend blatantly garbage tier PvP experiences like getting 2 shot by a mm hunter in low level bgs. Even on a tank spec

Or premades going 171-0

Cause it’s not about PvP actually being good it’s so the few people still playing it can feel better about themselves.

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To be fair you’re one hell of a good hunter ! :slight_smile:

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the older post was deleted by blizzard and was fundamentally just personal commentary from the blue who delivered the message. it was not any official rule or interpretation of the rules. the new post from CS is an interpretation of the rules. if you go to the GD thread, an MVP poster explains that both syncing and dropping are not against any rules and linked to the blue post to back it up. they also stated that “degraded gaming experience” implies framerate and lag issues, not souring your day by beating you with a premade.

no, originally you had to queue for each map individually and do so by going to a separate NPC for each map. the random battleground feature was added so you could just queue in a city and get any map, you wouldn’t have to pick which maps to queue for and travel to visit that NPC to get in queue. it had nothing to do with premades or player skill.

also, while you are still on my ignore list, i just want to point out that you have more forum posts than honor kills. :wink:

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Yeah hence

Circumventing the 5 player limit is not sanctioned by blizzard.

As much as you try to rationalize it the reality is they havent lifted the 5 player limit.

They do not codone your behavior