Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

The game is turned into a Big Red Button. Gives rewards when you click it.

Then they would complain that they need to click the button.

EDIT: Changed the button, because the white background was annoying.

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I’ll lose all day long as long as the game is FAIR.

That’s the difference between premades and real pvpers. We want a fair and balanced match where skill matters. You just want to stomp without a challenge.


idk, starting an epic premade community seems to grant one a lot of attention, sometimes even unwanted attention.

This is actually the only lie I’ve seen in the thread so far lmao

Can’t wait for you to quit cuz premades :rofl:

You guys can all go on discord tonight and cry about me to each other. But deep down you all know I’m right. Next time you get into an epic and see half of the other team leave after the first fight, just remember this:



You won’t get that in eBGs, maybe you should check out RBGs instead.

Man it’s really wild watching some of you post. Y’all will insult premaders calling them terrible players, no skill, insult their rating, achievements etc. but still cry about them.

I’ve seen some of you talk about how the average pug is better than the average premader but if that were the case your “real pvpers” would have zero issue against these premades considering most of them are just recruits from trade chat and most of them just follow raid warnings.

Seems like “real pvpers” is some coded language bad players use to cope with being terrible. It’s like the analogue for the argument that premade players only play in premades because they’re scared/bad.


Actually, I find fighting premades a nice challenge as a PvP-er. I don’t quit and play it through, and I find that mindset becomes contagious with PUGs who also choose not to give up.

At times, we even beat the premades, even if they won first fight or have 10 healers and we have 4.

Pugs: I thought it was a premade.

Pugs: Well, we did great as a team. GG.


I really enjoy those games, it’s nice when pugs rise to the challenge.


The people complaining should really just leave the BG when they see a premade and queue blitz or on an alt. I’ve left more epics in the last 6 months than I have in the 15 years before that and will continue to do so.


The amount of people calling pugs bad is crazy.

Some of them might be but then again I’m a pug and me vs them speaks for itself.

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Yeah, I’m not sure your point is proven by this.

Are you fighting people hiding in the base?


theres only 3 people who have an issue with epic bg premades. at least thats what an epic bg premade player told me

So do all the solo pugs.

Come prepared with 10+ healers, geared players, experienced players, …

Premade raiders are people who have given up on playing fairly in a competition. They’re circumventing restrictions to stack their team to ensure easy wins.


did you know individual groups of 5 or less are allowed to que at the same time.
heres the best part about it: the game matches groups together lol. that means someone on your team is also grouped. this clearly falls into the “working as intended” category.

sick burn :fire:

Any time you want to dance.

Can always duel at any time.

I’m only in the base when it’s clear my team is just completely outmatched.

Cause why waste the effort on a team that’s given up and is also outmatched at the same time.

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Do you know how much I hear in disc: “Someone in your group is already queued for that” Me: Deus, is it you? Deus 50% of the time: Yes.

The rest of the time someone afk’d and didn’t decline their backfill pop.

DJL has both! :smiley:

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