Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

The worst part about it is how overkill they go. A skilled five man premade is more than enough to have an advantage in any battleground, even epics.

But they’re not actually that skilled. So they take as many people in full gear as they can get, load up on every toy and consumable possible and then use exploits to bypass the five man limit. Have you looked at the randoms playing in these epics? They’re usually in questing greens and honor gear, just trying to have some fun and get some conquest before stepping into rated. I feel bad for them and everyone else trying to enjoy themselves.


I used to enjoy being the chat warrior who yells Strats. But there’s no amount of yelling I can do in chat to turn a pug against a premade community. I used to be able to get a handful of players to turn a game around against other “stronger pugs”, but now they come in with a defeated mind when they see ONE name on the other team they recognized.

True, a decent 5 man can burn towers, back-cap and have a huge advantage.

I remember in the past I played rogue and I turn AV games by myself, just stealth capping north bunkers while the whole team turtled. Communities have everyone playing hard objectives, players stationed at choke points, dedicated defenders.

WHERE"S THE CHAOS? It’s more fun to play pug vs pug, because of the chaos.


I need to make a speech macro when facing premades.

"Warriors of the Horde! Today, we stand on the precipice of a great battle. Before us lies an enemy equal in number, 40 of them, and 40 of us. But remember, numbers alone do not decide victory!

Look at them! Do they not bleed when they are stabbed?! Do they not fall when their HP hits zero?! They are no different from us in their mortality. Yet, they lack the fire that burns within our hearts, the courage that fuels our resolve, and the unbreakable spirit that binds us together!

Today, we fight not just for ourselves, but for the honor of the Horde! We fight for our brothers and sisters, for our land, for our legacy! Each strike you make, each enemy you fell, brings us closer to victory.

So raise your weapons high! Let our battle cry echo through the ages! FOR THE HORDE!"

Thanks chatgpt




So are people just queueing at the same time for premades or are they using some kind of addons to queue them all together?

Addons can’t access the queue system. Blizzard locked the window out.

I agree with breeze.

makes you feel any better, i only got into a horde premade once, been nothing but alliance premades since i started playing the day after patch. Blizz needs to do something about it forreal, it’s unfair for any player, horde or alliance, to experience this crap. And they wonder why pvp is so unpopular right now.

They use an addon called BG Commander that automatically accepts the BG queue when your party leader queues the group. This way they can assure that all partys queue instantly and none of them is delayed because 1 person forgot to accept the role check.

There’s another called Community Flare and I forgot what that one does, but I think it tells you when a leader/officer in a community has queued, and how many members of the premade are in your battleground.

The only thing dense about this convo is you chief

But you still have to click the queue button, and if a queue pops, addons are not allowed to access the window, so each player has to click the buttons.

BG commander is great for RBGs too.

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The hardest part is getting everyone(every party) to queue at the same time, which is handled by the addon.

I use it for that XD, I’m lazy.

It isn’t, each leader has to click the queue button manually.

I know but the hardest part is getting the 4 other party members to accept the queue. That alone could break the sync because all, for example, 4 party’s won’t be sync’d if even 1 player doesn’t accept the queue. Causing a 10-15 second delay or more for that one party.

The addon makes it that as long as the party leader are in sync, all party are in sync.

Not sure what’s goin on in here. but just want to ask. who here wants to join a epic bg community?!
:smiley: :love_you_gesture:

pff why not a guild?

hell ya, you’re more than welcome to join. it’s listed in guild finder. or you can give me your btag again and ill get you in soon as i can

Facing a premade doesn’t matter if you come prepared and don’t give up. I solo queue against syncers all the time.

Change the mindset that you can’t beat premades. Focus less on complaining and more on figuring out how to support your teammates.

Battlegrounds are a team effort. You lose the game when you decide it’s a premade and choose not to try. Then, you come to the forums expressing exactly how you gave up the fight.

You say: “We’re not going to fight after the first fight (Roc, SR, HangR) we lose. We’re not going to use pots, wild fruit, or gliders in BGs. Rated games don’t have those. It’s unfair that we came unprepared.”

So why aren’t you in rated then?


XD No one survives my Btag list.


So true. I’m a little Kamikaze so I just jump in the middle of 30 alliance and start blasting. It would be nice if more players just tried, like I said in my speech above :

Using addons to bypass the five player queue is cheating. That is why people are upset. Nobody cares that you use consumables.