Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

nothing stops you from bringing your own premade. choosing to run a marathon without shoes doesn’t mean people with shoes have an unfair advantage. they have an advantage, but it isn’t an unfair one.


It’s gotten bad. Before people would stick around even if was a premade and just take the loss. Wasn’t a big deal. But now there’s so many premades that people have grown tired of it and will leave the game asap when they realize.


probably because syncing was essentially given the blue blessing and allowed. even recently there was a thread on GD where an MVP linked to a CS Blue rep pointing out that syncing isn’t against the TOS and that blizzard has a very clear internal idea of what cheating and exploiting are and it doesn’t align with the way people want to paint syncing.

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Didn’t read. However:

If you’re so dense that you can’t see why premades are wildly unfair then there’s not even a point in arguing. I don’t know if you’re trolling or being sincere and honestly don’t care.


Continuing the discussion from Is this cheating?:

Did you conveniently leave out the fact that you use an add on to automate the que process and drop ques when you don’t align screwing over your potential team.

Leaving them to fight 10v40


The PvP devs explained they don’t want premade raids vs. random pugs because it’s unfair and it drives players away from PvP.

The game does not allow players to queue for random bgs in a raid group.

Sadly, premade raiders don’t care about the spirit of fair play or all the other games they also ruin every time they mass drop queue pops. They only care about ban or no ban.

They’re ruining epic bgs for everyone else.


If that’s considered you guys… lol

Not everyone is that desperate some people are fine with losing as long as it’s a close competitive game.


no, because people still have to go “one, two, click”. the “automation” is just QoL stuff that lets party members automatically accept the role check. a feature used universally across the game.

nobody wants to be split from their friends/guild/community. if they allowed premades to queue as a raid, then there would be no need to drop.

So in other words the blues are not on your side as much as you’ve done mental gymnastics to think so.

Because the system albeit the one you guys break consistently is still in place to break you up.

“If blizzard just gave me gold for free there would be no need to bot” is pretty much the equivalent

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that’s a pretty interesting conclusion you came to considering i just linked to the blue post saying syncing isn’t cheating.

you can complain about premades dropping causing a problem for you, and im saying that if the blues made a change to allow raid queueing it would solve that problem for you. that is not a between the lines hint from blizzard about anything.

Saying syncing in that form isn’t cheating. We both know more goes into it than that more less talked about things.

Perhaps if you all accepted your ques wether it was synced or not would be what falls under that statement.

Yeah it would but it would also happen to give you exactly what you want so the alternative is for you to just play the game the way it’s currently designed instead of trying to find every which way around it.

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not quite.

what i want is something along the lines of cross faction raid queueing with solo pugs filling in any roster gaps. the question though is do you limit the size of the raid? if you cap it at 20, then two groups could sync for 40, but if you cap it at 25 and only allow one raid per team, then you could be on to something.

my concern with this is that premade raid communities would then break into A and B teams which would cause social problems… especially if those teams are faced against each other.

Sorry for late response i was in the shower.

It kind of sounds like a lot of the members in those communities cannot stand the thought of potentially losing.

And what exactly would stop the premade communities from just getting a full 40 players and running with 0 pugs?

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its not even HORDE premades LOL . Its the ALLIANCE premades MERC mode on HORDE side that makes it seem like horde premades . There isnt many horde premades for epics tbh like only a couple . 98% of the time you are facing your fellow faction.


no, im just assuming that people are human.

don’t know. maybe you don’t limit group size and the ones who want 40 can queue with 40. but what i have seen is that most communities need to regularly recruit and mixing teams with pugs turns pugs into teammates.

If all those tendencies are “human” it sounds like more a hinderance than a benefit.

I understand that people are self interested and lazy by nature which is why i imagine most of them have flocked to premades… cause its the path of least resistance.

And splitting that up and forcing them to fight other premades would all of a sudden make it to where they have to put in effort. The same effort they critisize randoms for not applying.

Same thing happened with twinks once it was time to walk the walk and not talk the talk they disapeared quicker than the wind on a stormy day.


I think I’m gonna start opening trade and giving away consumables.

Free Gliders
Free Gravitational bombs
Free Health Potions

If only we could trade Dragon Fruit, maybe the horde would stop complaining that “the alliance always get there first!”

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The people on these forums defending premades know it’s cheating. That’s why they’re here defending it so adamantly. If they lose premades they lose everything that makes them successful.

Everything they say is just an excuse or rationalization to keep their premades going. They don’t want to fight other teams; if they wanted to do that they would just play rated battlegrounds. But they don’t.

Arguing with them is useless. Might as well try and talk to a brick wall.


True, They say it’s hard to organize Wargames, but they could just decided to Sync against each other instead. 2 party Merc vs 2 party not-merc, then queue sync. Why is that so hard?

They know it themselves and they don’t want to try-hard against each other for 45 minutes every BG. It’s more fun to casually stomp pugs while having a laugh about something that happened outside the game at a bbq. Welfare PVP FreeRide.

It is NOT fun. The only fun is Premade vs Premade or Pug vs Pug.