Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

get out of a game where the pugs are telling you to give up before the match even started, calling you a loser, PSTing you to KYS, and making fun of your M+ rating, and you too will learn the joy of pugstomping.

to use your analogy more accurately, the local park has some pros that play there sometimes, has some casuals that play sometimes, you never know what kind of game you are going to get at that park. could be horse with friends, could be the biggest all-star showdown outside of a sponsored event in years.

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If you’re so dense that you can’t see why premades are wildly unfair then there’s not even a point in arguing. I don’t know if you’re trolling or being sincere and honestly don’t care.


That’s the biggest huff of copium I’ve seen in years.

If they managed to fix anything it would be people trying to sync queue in rated. They don’t care about unrated premades in PvP.

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If they acknowledge that a premade raid (on voice chat and plays together all the time) vs. 40 random pugs (who may be new to PvP and may have never seen each other before) isn’t a fair matchup, in a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group, it raises questions about the legitimacy of their roflstomp easy wins and their ~95% win rates.


if i show up to the fight with pots and you don’t, is that really unfair or just a lack of preparation on your part?

same with showing up with friends.

Yeah. And if they have to fix it for rated then maybe then can fix it for non rated as well. They probably won’t but I can dream.

MMR in rated ensures any kind of syncing isn’t going to last more than a few games.

Your brain is absolutely scrambled dude.


that response doesn’t counter or invalidate what i said. a lack of preparation on your end does not mean the game is unfair.

Here’s my response to that:


you have every opportunity to join or make your own group if your intention is to ensure a win. you want to just queue up and see what happens then get mad when you lose, that sounds like entitlement.

Do you have to circumvent restrictions to bring pots into random bgs?


Maybe I can try getting a team together next t

If you’re so dense that you can’t see why premades are wildly unfair then there’s not even a point in arguing. I don’t know if you’re trolling or being sincere and honestly don’t care.

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you should read Art of War and then come back and reread this thread.

dont ban them. just join or stop playing. its not meant for u anymore. im here to rofl stop as a premade in a 40man lol

Lmao 10 char

The sad thing is what these groups do is play both sides, after the fist fight 10 people leave and that throws the ebg of balance , this give the advantage to the pre made on the other side and they rotate players doing this .

Most of these pre made groups are from Moon guard .

Thank you for listing these pre made groups below because I wanted to list them in my report , less work i have to do now.

I know that SOD was the big name out there that was doing this and the leadership has moved on to other premade groups doing the same thing because I have them tagged and have sent many reports over due to what they do to throw the game off balance.

I can deal with premade groups , I cant deal with how they have to cheat to win.

If you have to play both sides to win a game you are worthless and should have your account taken away.

If blizzard is over looking this and allowing it to happen , its unfair game play, cheating and I hope the case that is open right now gathers enough information to make it to a class action so things will change.

Its seems this is the only way to make blizzard to listen is to gather facts, show things are being reported and stream to show nothing is being done, for months and years later .

This is not a new issue, its just gotten way out of hand as of lately and more people are seeing it , still nothing is done after 2 years of reporting from myself.

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Alright guys I dusted off my copy of art and war. Can someone tell me which page has info on gliders???

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and this guy wonders why he loses. :roll_eyes:

If you’re so dense that you can’t see why premades are wildly unfair then there’s not even a point in arguing. I don’t know if you’re trolling or being sincere and honestly don’t care.

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