Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

dont take away my premades. I love farming kids and gearing out alts while farming bloodthirsty without anyway for the enemy team to do anything lol

Ain’t no dev is gonna poke their head into the pvp forums. they put all their time and resources into m+. This is the new ion form of wow. since 2016 pvp has been a disaster.
They certainly aren’t going to fix these que-synch exploiters

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why not just block the app, have every cue be random , only so many from one server and if you cue drop after in it for a min you are zoned out for 20 mins.

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because that would make too much sense and wouldnt give them an advantage so

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people like you are useless without your pocket healer and the premade behind you . You only talk junk in a premade and wont zone in a random without them.

was you in SOD when they where around? Now they are taking their bad habits to all these other premade groups that zone in and leave to throw the game off. The only way you cheaters ever win. That is the only issue I have with pre mades is they play both sides and leave or just go afk to throw the game off , like sitting in the guns on the ship afk or the tanks and just wonder and the list goes on , i have streams to prove it and turn them in that is why SOD is no longer , now you all have learned by their mistakes and doing what you can to not get seen but i stream every bg and share with blizz what goes on . Its a shame what you all are doing to destroy a game that many of us has invested so many years in.

you where another person that was in SOD

I am everywhere. I play with a few different communities. And I have my own as well. :wink:


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well the one thing that remains a fact…whatever que synch community you are in…you will always be a cheater and exploiter. so you have that going for you…consistency. i can respect that


And you are consistent with your non stop whining. It’s been posted many, many times queueing at the same time in five man groups is fine, per the Blizzard post put before you 9,857 times already. Accept it. Move on. I will not engage further with you on this.

What? That ancient blizz post y’all like to post? Doesn’t mean much man. Remember how they made made it easier to twink by introducing exp off? Then saw how bad it was for PvP and silod them to their own que and it died instantly?

Synch ques are lame. It’s bad for PvP. Blizzard can and should change their mind and introduce some simple fixes to make it harder to do.

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I mean you all link a blue post from 2012, which is far more ancient than Vrakthris’ in 2019 to try and argue.

It’s like watching a train wreck in real time with y’all trying to argue.

I’m not sure which of you is just concern trolling at this point and which of you is in dead serious levels of cope but as Elsa says: Let it go.


Communities exist. Cross realm guilds now exist. It’s almost like Blizzard wants people to play together…Imagine that!

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Stop trying to move the goal posts.

The question was answered by Blizz. They don’t think 5 man groups doing a 1…2…3…Que is an exploit. Just accept it.

Buncha babies!!!

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I’m not trying to argue that blizz didn’t say that. I would agree most people arguing against synch ques are arguing the wrong point. It’s not illegal by any means whatsoever.

Doesn’t make it any less lame and crappy for PvP. Doesn’t mean they won’t change their minds and do some simple fixes.

They do! In groups of 5 with actual friends! Not at the cost of other peoples fun by queing 30 “friends” together and doing stuff like dropping que and leaving a big half empty.

Lol what?

Never said it was an exploit… Maybe read what I said. Your only defense is an old post that is pretty much irrelevant in the context of reality.

  1. Blizzard believe it or not can change their mind in things
  2. Sync premades are lame and bad for PvP and there are some simple easy fixes blizz can make to make it less easy to do.
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obviously not lol. no one is going to jail over world of warcraft.

both of which are useless for pvpers.

no they don’t. game is being built around solo queues…be it shuffle or blitz.

Eh but there are people crying for bans stupidly. It’s just hurting the argument as that is ridiculous. People need to look at reality.

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Crack I get you. And that’s what I love about you. You are passionate like me about wow. Thank you for those kind words and compliments.

We as premaders have breathed life back into AV via glorious turtles, endless gy farming pugs(most likely you) and extremely high level of competition. We really have innovated especially in the last few months and we are just getting started.

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