Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Nice idea~! :heart:

Velviita has a similar idea here as well, and something truely amazing will spark from the collective effort!

I would love this so much!

Despite what I said above about Blizz and the problem with the game design, I still believe they most likely are doing their best to help, Eg. securing resources to make changes (this is hard, believe me). My dev friends assured me that absolutely no developer would love to deliver a bad user experience, and every negative feedback brings endless pain and torment. And this torture worsens whenever their plea for improvements gets rejected by management.

I would like to say, that if any Blizz dev is reading this: Let us Player know, and communicate with us. Tell us about the challenges and your considerations, and let’s find a workable solution together.

I hate the subscription model for many reasons, but if Blizz would engage players in discussion to make this situation better, I will sub to show support!

Rewards will only incentivize (is that a word?) premades.

You dont want premades?
Take away all rewards, currency, honor, reputation grinds, achievments, titles etc etc etc
They will have zero reason to play except if they actually enjoy farming pugs / new players (lol)
But honestly if they removed everything stated above i doubt even you love PvP enough to play for no reason except fun, especially if you went 0-10.

Anyway, please stop making these posts.
If you dont like premades dont play.

Agreed. It brings to light the problem the more players complain about it. Some players I play with didn’t even know there was a wow forum for example.

It’s fun inbetween games though

They never would, they want/need those advantages

Blizz avoids a lot of pvp talk in their interview to be honest.

Or just place premades against each other, mix the horde/alliance queues or Police the current system and watch the communities degenerate and die out because they can no longer get their steamroll wins against Pugs.

As long as new forum posters are creating new threads about the issue or necroing old ones I will never stop!


I do it for fun, been doing it for…18 years now? Never had the desire to steamroll a group of random players while in a full premade. Where’s the fun in that? I’d make a comparison but I don’t need to land a forum ban on this iteration of them too :frowning:


on the plus side i have dyed my hair black again =^-^=

Ouch! Ouch! LOL!

No one outside of BSG healer stacks.

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you just didn’t realize until now you’ve been getting rolled by premade teams fior 20 years.
nothing has changed except for the entitlement. players like you feel they are owed something for clicking the join bg button. unsub or dont but crying on the forums OBVIOUSLY isn’t going to change anything.

Very well thought out and artikulated post nineeyes! Look. I get you. I here your frustrations with people like myself who hate on premades. But I’m right and you are wrong. It is as simple as that. Blizz should not enthintivize premades. I would even go so far as to say they should be stripped of all their achieves if they are caught. You know? Did I not put that in the list you quoted? Can you reread and check for me?

go duel people out front of your major city if you want a solo player experience.

Do you really want to do this? I’ve been good. I really have. If you do, let’s make a promise to each other right now my precious Lugo. Let’s promise each other that going forward, we will not report the other. Okay? Can you make that promise to me? If so, I will engage.

report wut?

What will inevitably come if we do our little back and forth. I’ll give you a way out because I’m feeling particularly generous this morning due to me taking a massive and glorious dump which put me in a great mood.

Check eyenine’s last post and read what he was responding to. That’s where this is coming from. Then see if you want to fight me on premades with the premise being I’m against them.

someone sure feels important! i was just making a general statement towards pug players not necessarily directing it at you. thought i hit the big reply button at the bottom of page not the one on your post.
if i respond to you your little avatar will be in the top corner of my post.

I forgive you

Because the complainers don’t know this, clarifiying that Krienn rolls with a premade too, SPM. Everything he says is to be taken as sarcasm or trolling with a sense of humor.

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What he said. This. This. This.

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I duel a lot the only people who have beat me square on classes that didn’t just straight hard counter mine like spriest are mud muffinrat and vyla I think who was a rogue player. And chillpills. Probably a few more I forgot about.

So I can appreciate those players.


Pretty please.