Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

akatsuki you wonderful rank-purchasing carry player. Is there anything in wow that you do with integrity without cheating or being carried? maybe trial by style is your speed


Whatever you’re claiming to know about me is false and has been fabricated. I’d appreciate it if you could stop spreading misinformation. Thanks.

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lol oh because you wont engage with me that means i will stop pointing this out. It’s not whining. I’m stating a fact. you are a cheater and an exploiter. accept it. move on


R O F L.

  1. Removing the ability to create large PvP (premade) groups.
  2. Implementing Solo Shuffle.
  3. Implementing Solo RBGs

I don’t consider exploiting a legal loophole (queue synching) as evidence that Blizzard cares about socialization in this game… at least not anymore. Ion finally gave up (the majority thanks him.)

Speaking on PvP, of course.


uh…exploiting video game rules is not against the law.

Honor Level 2,200

I did it with 17 minutes left on the counter.

Thanks for asking.

nice I was thinking about it all night and day. I can sleep now knowing you have become the guy off Southpark that which has no life. goal achieved


I have come to the conclusion that the stance being taken on Epic BGs is linked to WPvP. There has been no known advance into improving the state WPvP therefore there will be no change to instance 40 man BGs, which is where most of the WPvP communities and guilds shifted to with the indoctrination of Warmode.

There is nothing that is preventing any player in World of Warcraft from joining these guilds and or communities, except for the individual player being lazy. Find a community that you get along with and join them, this kind of complaining is not in the least constructive. Give solid solutions to what you perceive as an issue, maybe then there maybe change. Contrary to public belief the moderators and developers do read the forums, they may not always make comments.

Maybe the individual player respects the spirit of fair play, and they don’t enjoy participating in one-sided games or roflstomps when premade raids go against random pugs.

Premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system or avoid another premade raid.

Enable cross-faction teams. Add a hidden MMR. Add a stacking, account-wide deserter debuff when players miss/drop their queue pops.


Adding account wide deserter to missing or dropping a queue is honestly - one of the worst ideas I have seen on this forum - and thankfully, it’s one Blizzard would never take into consideration.

BGs are supposed to be random. Where you have random Classes, comps to create organic PvP. People aren’t looking for organized PvP when queing for a “RANDOM” BG.

What you are describing is Rated PvP. Where you have control over Classes, comps and organize over discord with communites.

The 2 are very different. The answer is not to remove “Organic” PvP from Random BGs and joining a community. It doesn’t fix anything. You are just now robbed of the opportunity to play a Random BG.

This is why Premades shouldn’t be a thing because they are a contradiction to Random BGs. They ruin the core aspect of it. Players should be able to Que for a Random BG and get what is intended where they are matched against other Random players to preserve the organic fun PvP.


Careful they will come and gaslight about how the random only applies to the maps and nothing else.

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Random is map choice, and has nothing to do with what opponents you face.

This has ALSO been explained ad nauseam in multiple threads.



Then it was wrongly explained. I listed the facts.

The goal of Random BGs it to have randomized Classes/Comps so that way you experience organic PvP.

Interestingly Holycow blue tracker link has another fact in it as well that proves this.

We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience. Players can continue to use Addons to queue for Rated Battlegrounds as well.

The fact is just as I stated. There are 2 different modes. Premades are organized PvP which is for Rated games or wargames. (Blizzard confirms this) It’s not part of the Random BGs and goes against what Random BGs stand for.

There is no arguments against these facts. You can deny them or not understand them but at the end of the day they are still the facts.

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Cool so explain why you can’t specifically queue for rated bgs and arenas.

You can. Wargames.


War games was fun. You would think they could have done something better so large pre-made, not Que synchers, but these large communities could Que up with large raid groups and fight other large raid groups

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