Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

dont take them away its easy to gear alts and farm bloodthirsty and fun to win without the enemy team able to do anything.

I play with BF & RR yes. We have stated that all of the other communities get along.

If there are so many why not just do wargames vs each other instead of bothering pugs? I mean you guys already hate pugs and claim you want fun games so wouldn’t it be fun for you?

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point is playing against bsg is apparently bad yet with them is not.

yall just want to farm pugs together.


Indeed, I am avoiding the unfruitful debate of Premade vs Pugs.

My stance and focus are always on finding ways to get Blizz to improve the situation. No arguments among players can fix this problem. Instead of wasting effort and time fighting each other, both Premade and Pugs should redirect their displeasure at Blizz, unite and demand Blizz to create a better environment fitting Players needs.

Why would Premade want this fixed? Well, it’s a good place to start. The idea is to work this out together, stop placing blame, unite the force, and stop defending Blizz.

There is no argument, Sync queue people are very blatantly abusing an exploit to ruin the game for everyone else. Blizzard needs to step up and fix it and punish those that have been abusing it.

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Yes, but how do we make this happen, or even just have Blizz talk to us about this matter? Angry voices of only a few won’t do. You need a LOT more, including people in Premades.

It’s a great personal achievement to be able to get one’s enemy to help.

They won’t ever help, they like being able to steamroll over pugs and feel like they are good at the game.

Bans for abuse of exploit would be a start.

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Then, how do you get Blizz moving or start talking?

This isn’t the first Premade vs Pugs thread and it’s the same argument every time, have you seen improvements or Blizz moved? Or would the problem go away after people vent their frustrations?

[Edit] Surely it can’t be that hard to see that Blizz is the one responsible for ALL this messy situation, thanks to their problematic Game Design! At least recognise the real enemy here.

I honestly don’t know, blizzard has a record of not paying attention, so we are kind of stuck at the moment.

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100% Indeed. And this is why we must all look for better ways, and get more people to recognise the real problem. The more brain the better. I would even borrow my neighbour’s cat if it could help :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol yes and I hope Blizz could come up with something that would make both Premade and Pugs happy - they have all the smartest people so should be easy, right? :wink: The problem is getting Blizz to even start talking about this is hard. Any idea ? (Sorry to put you on the spot :P)

And welcome any ideas from all premade and their leaders too!

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Off the top of my head:

  1. Create a separate epic queue for pugs and premades.
  • the pug queue is reworked so you cannot queue sync. Otherwise it’s the same.
  • the premade queue -can queue with up to 40. Extra rewards for a player who solo queues into the premade queue so it can fill in the gaps.
  1. Incentivize PvP with content and rewards. Drawing people into the game should offset the split queue system in terms of numbers and queue times.
  • new 40v40 bgs that take place in Ogrimar and SW, AV like in nature. Simple.
  • world events like in GW2 for WPvP.
  • rewards like transmogs, gold, titles - but more in abundance. Perhaps a squire that walks around and talks crap when you duel or something.
  1. Rework PvP interface so people know wargames is a thing. Give a rewards system to it.

Blizz should incentivize premading but outside of the pug queues. It is definitely unfair.

I could go on but I’ll stop. My juicy and succulent brain is pumping out ideas.


Why allow sync queuing in the premade queue? Why not just queue together in one raid group?

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Good point lol

Trying to sync queue 2 premade raids of 20 in the premade queue?

I see how it is…


I literally thought of this and then you posted. I was trying to come up with scenarios where it might be possible. But I guess it wouldn’t matter one way or the other

Maybe two premade communities have separate raids and they don’t want to deal with the hassle of combining raids and then splitting up again.


Look guys. I’m going to say this once because this is actually becoming a serious issue.

-You premades who are dodging -stop. It is ruining the game for a lot of people and it is actually toxic.

-you guys who are talking trash while knowing dodging is the reaction -stop. You are making the situation worse and making yourselves look like absolute idiots.

Y’all want this bs to stop? Stop posting on the forums.


YeahI think that would be a good example. I just see no reason to not make queue syncing possible in the epic queue. I guess it depends on the technical aspect of things which I know nothing about.

^ Well said! :100: