Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Actually, there is also an art section for our artists. Oh, and the token pet picture section.

Thanks for asking but sorry I’ve said enough about this in other threads and have nothing new to add. Also, I think the player’s self-control has limits and eventually needs Blizz to make real changes.

Oh, I didn’t know. Thanks.

I see, and like to add that, a while ago (late shadowland/early dragonflight) I enjoyed a few Epic with DJL (might still have these on record somewhere), both fighting with and against. As far as I know, winning or losing, DJL fought bravely and it’s always a fun game. This is only my experience. In comparison, I’ve seen some very nasty and questionable behaviours from some premade and Pugs…


By running with a premade raid, their members know their team will likely have more healers, more meta specs, better gear, more experienced players, etc. compared to a normal team of random pugs.

You also have a raid that plays together all the time going against random pugs who may have never seen each other before.

Plus voice chat coordination.

This isn’t a fair matchup, especially in a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group.


We are all about fun and lootin’ balognas! :smiley:


We’re watching the Preview for Season 2024-2025 of Love Island… wait Premade Island. I hope we have just as much drama as last year, with a flavor of TWW.



Oh, and for the record for those that bleat, DJL polled it’s members over the last 24 hours and the decision stands to not engage with the lot of you and requeue.

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:rofl: :joy: :sob: LOL

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Ill keep you updated buddy, a storm is actually brewing


If I were them I wouldn’t want to fight the team that rolls over you all like pugs either.

I think the real reason they don’t want to “ engage” with bsg is cause every time they have they can’t compete and it turns out premades can’t stand a meager taste of their own medicine.

They can’t put up with it for even 1 match lmao the same thing they do to everyone else game after game. Get some thicker skin and stop being a hypocrite.


If that we so we’d nope out of BF and RR games every time, we don’t.

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Probably only cause you stand a chance against those premades.

I think bsg is probably the strongest premade and also the one that I respect the most cause every game I’ve run into them they do in fact end the game quickly.

When they could do what every other premade does and drag it out as long as physically possible.

I’ve seen them vs other premades and it’s usually not very competitive.

“The premade that hunts other premades” as plum once called them. fine by me.


Why am I not surprised the premade that hunts other premades they have deemed “toxic” and avoid at all costs… these guys are a joke.


Some of the reasons they dodge are funny to me, Ive seen a person unironically claim that they dont want to fight us because they got the flag of ownership planted on them, or emoted at.

Most of the reasons they dodge though seem to because of things that have happened outside of the game though, which is even more ridiculous to me. Its obvious they just want to win a easy drawn out game against pugs (of which they do seem to struggle against pure pug groups which is funny to me).

Its a shame because premade vs premade is one of the most fun activities this game has to offer, even including the much superior PvE content. Premade vs Pug though, i have no idea how people can do that every day, every week.


If the above posts are true where people are looking for other players’ RL stuff in order to troll, scare, or stalk them, it’s understandable why they’d want to minimize interactions and cut off contact.

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The person making the claims has a history of lying and causing drama. Until proof is presented there is zero reason to believe him at all

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This is honestly so sad and childish.


^ No kidding rofl :woman_facepalming:

is funny how djl bf rr say they don’t play against bsg since they are ‘big meany faces’ but then, they are more than happy to play with their members. oca playing with bf rr? yeppers. but only when rb is not around! even seen tk playing with them on a few occasions now. what hypocrites.

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i just saw a horde premade get matched vs alliance premade

the horde premade got clapped in like 30 sec flat and half the raid quit gg

even premades hate fighting premades


I don’t know your particular stance on the situation but this just seems like a standard avoidance response / cop out response.

Definitely appeared to me that it was a salty effort with some people yelling and putting down random toys but hey could be wrong.

Oh im sure other premades have questionable behaviors even though the act itself is questionable behaviour, and I’m not surprised if you get it from pugs if they are frustrated due to facing premades all day

It’s so standard it’s never been a surprise

I’ve been in 5 man premades, and faced another 5 man premade in random bgs and the other premade quit when we were clearly dominating.