Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Nobody wants to play in such an unbalanced game. It’s simply not fun and a waste of time.


D-Fence! Horde even had our GY up there too!

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Ya not engaging this obvious bate lol

I agree it gets frustrating. Don’t really remember a time where the game was equally balanced. Some people say Legion templates were great, but after I took a long break due to WOD I missed most of Legion. Barely made it back to get some MT skins. Only thing I can recommend is trying something else, whether it’s different content in game or another game in general. Elden Ring is fun if you don’t mind the challenge, but I get it, it’s not wow.

Oh, also maybe some advice to the anti-premade crowd. I know the mods monitor this forum and I’m not too entirely sure if the pvp dev teams reads everything, but maybe try getting in front of someone like Venruki? I think at this point if the past Blizzard posts aren’t acceptable for anyone, maybe a take from the current dev team would help clear the air? I know some will just argue the morality of it all, which i get, but this would at least give us a more “fresh” response. I just don’t think the countless threads on the official forums are doing much. I recall seeing a thread on the general forums about this same topic at over 2000 posts… Anywho if premades are still a thing cool - if they are abolished and extra measures are put in place to prevent syncing, also cool - I’ll still queue until I feel like doing something else, lots of things to do on this game besides ebgs.

I mean if I wanted a perfectly balanced game I’d go play chess.

The game isn’t ever going to be balanced but it can certainly be better than it is now.

But at the same time them leaving things broken for months is pretty wild.

Also why many people who really cared about a competitive balanced PvP game are playing games designed specifically for PvP like league or csgo.

White has the first move advantage.

I don’t either. I have no problem with five man groups joining up against randoms. I actually love the unbalanced parts of the game, it gives it character.

But I do have a problem with exploits that bypass these limits.

so on my side, half the team are noobs/alts with under 800k life or less (last game we had a couple with 200k lol) and me as the only healer vs a whole team of mcsweaty try hards all in full conquest/mythic gear using meta builds and 10+ healers: there is no way any sort of team work is going to beat those odds.


So you can still win those games. I’ve backfilled with my group into similar situations. Map has a huge influence on this though, like if you have this happen in Ashran you can backdoor if the other team doesn’t have someone watching the boss. Def harder in an IOC, especially with how much of a joke vehicles are rn lol - I agree tho it does make it a challenge, sometimes impossible but you just take the L and q again if you feel like it.

Imo Blizzard needs to address the late season gearing, especially for altoholics like me. I saw someone with 300k the other day and thought I was losing it lol - turns out the guy had 100ish ilvl gear on, don’t even know how old that boost is, shadowlands? It would be great if they allowed double honor/conq gains when conq cap gets removed.

Sure you can turn the games around if you are super lucky. Most epics are super one sided already or simply one objective is the win. The sync cheaters will ALWAYS do the easiest win strat that’s why it’s a joke they claim they “only call strats”. They stack there team and play meta classes with plenty of healers and they bum rush the meta and use addons to target down healers and such.

Wow an advantage based on color I can’t believe they have not fixed that yet.

Either way it’s not really an advantage anyway.


I feel like people want the easiest win in general tho. How many AVs did you get into that people wanted to just rush to the boss and sit in front of his room while people facepull and die?

The only stacking premades are guilty of against pugs imo are just getting enough players to actually play on their side. In the communities that I have been in it was play what you want - to add to this I haven’t been in all of them so I can’t speak for them all, but I can tell you the 5 that I have been in followed this rule. I can’t speak for every healer that heals in premades, but it’s generally more enjoyable to heal those groups than a group of pugs. Oddly enough I still enjoy healing pug games, even against a premade, simply because there is a bunch of people to heal with little downtime.

The only exception to the play what you want rule is when facing another community in a wargame, but those are super rare and understandable as to why a team would put effort into the roster going into that match. With all of the drama going on rn who knows when that will happen next - personally I enjoy those matches and will take a premade v premade over beating a team with half a roster due to a dodge any day of the week. Monday became my favorite day of the week at one point because of the SPM games, even when they don’t have the #'s they give it their all and it’s enjoyable to play against.

As for the whole meta/addon thing, it’s a larger issue with the game in general. Try pushing for r1 in m+ or pvp without addons, not even sure if that’s possible tbh. Huge deterrent to new players when you need to download and optimize a bunch of addons just to play the game at a level higher than lfr/questing. The changes to the in-game UI has improved substantially but we’re not even close to eliminating the need for addons. Players will always meta chase, it’s not fun playing the weak class against someone that does double your damage in less globals or has more to bring to the group than your class will.

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Technically addons just remove the need for players to be aware of what’s happening around them.

If you just know what needs to be kicked you don’t need addons. But people’s brains hit their mechanical limit in wrath without addons.

I have very few mechanical addons like weakauras or plater most of mine are cosmetic and I can still do heroic and up to and a little past keystone hero without them.

Only mythic and title key pushing kind of require them.

But for what ever reason blizzard keeps making these wildly bloated fights that increasingly require addons to keep up with everything unless you are 180 iq just look at the fights next xpac

I would have replied to him, but he has me on ignore but tell him going first isn’t always an advantage in chess lol

whats going on oh—

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I mean that’s a strat you can play. Avoiding the SR team fight denies the offense kills for vehicles and you can rank up off of npcs on defense and it can snowball from there.

Do i even want to know …

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Genuinely curious, care to elaborate ?

I go afk and watch tv shows off to the side if its a premade vs pugs sometimes and I don’t afk out and relog. I get some scrub epic syncers come at me and typically lose cause they aint that great solo.

DJL are also salty when they lose to pugs

In the below screenshot of DJL vs pugs they regrouped in mid and refused to engage the pug group (led by Charming/Enfers) in a team fight cause we were winning… so we just got Fangraal up and steamrolled them.

I remember thinking to myself at the time about how sad it was that they just refused to teamfight / end it

https ://imgur. com/KQ5T09Q

That game had to be awhile ago, Mixis hasn’t played in over 2 months now. But I do vaguely recall it, we had to play conservatively and a lot of the pugs weren’t listening. It was still a close game. Sometimes pugs feed and there’s nothing we can do to stop that. That isn’t us being salty. That is us grouping in an attempt to win. Strange how you see that as salty…


Can you relink your picture? There isn’t one there. If there’s proof, it helps that there’s actually a picture. And yes, I did search for it manually also.