Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

That’s scary.

Which premade community does he run with? They’re ok with this?

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The only ones we don’t engage with.


So all of them?


Did their leaders know about this? Or are they finding out right now like the rest of us?

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They condone it. They condone all of this.


Care to provide any evidence of your claims?

Can you guys stop airing out your stinky discord laundry here? Nobody cares about your embarrassing furry art or whatever.

Lets get back on topic: cheaters are running absolutely rampant in epic battlegrounds to the point that it’s unplayable. Using addons to bypass the five player queue limit for epic battlegrounds is the definition of an exploit.

We want blizzard to stop sitting on their hands and fix this. It’s gone on too long and it’s too rampant. Just because it’s the most casual pvp mode in the game doesn’t mean that it deserves to be ignored by the developers. It needs to be fixed if there is any hope of recruiting new players to pvp.

If the best way to play a pvp mode is to quit because half of the players are leaving due to premades then that game mode is broken. End of story.


The discord drama is way more entertaining than you vomiting the same drivel over and over again

I wanna be clear- I agree with you in principle. I don’t think it’s cheating but I do think it makes the game worse for pugs which are the majority. You’re just such a piss poor messenger


Yeah you definitely run premades haha

Never ran or been apart of one in the entire time I’ve played the game

But stay mad that even those who agree with you think you’re an idiot lol

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Oh no a bunch of embarrassing discord shut ins think I’m annoying? What ever will I dooooooooooo.

I want epics fixed. Ill post until that happens or until I’m banned. Thanks though.


Can’t come soon enough tbh

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A small group of people is using exploits and ruining the experience for the majority. You don’t see why this might be an issue?


explain why in pug v pug matches people are just as willing to afk out after losing the first team fight? if this is just a premade issue then surely this shouldn’t be happening right? what’s hilarious about some of these pug v pug games is you always have someone saying the winning team is a premade without even knowing one of the community leads.

people just cant handle a loss, sometimes even a death on their character. they’d rather just afk out and complain about how this game is unfair to them while not even pressing a defensive

i’d rather be in a match where people are trying until the end regardless about who is on what team. you just see that more often in a premade setting.


This didn’t used to happen. Premades have become SO COMMON that it’s a reflex at this point to leave and do something else for 15 minutes.

But that point is moot. Exploits are being used and it needs to be fixed.

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Because I’ve said a lot all these bgs are unbelievably tilted for who wins the first fight.

Imagine being horde and having alliance be at the flag by the time you are halfway up the hill at hangar which is the only viable node.

I’d leave after that to… the terrain itself is tilted against you.

When you’re in a setting where there’s a decent chance the other team is a premade raid, people will assume it’s a premade raid if the first team fight goes poorly.


Because sync premade’s are so common people just assume it is one, and most of the time they assume correctly.


Usually yeah, but you can still come back from those games if the team works together and tries. I’ve been in games where our team had a lead just to end up losing due to mistakes being made and the other team putting in the extra effort. It’s not a common occurrence but teams can definitely come back from what seems to be a lopsided match.

Actually almost had a loss last night when qing with my group of 4 last night into a non-sync AV game. Dominated Horde in the team fight, people managed to get up North and we almost lost it. Thankfully those up North actually bothered to communicate when asked if they needed help, fun game overall and no full premade on either side. I honestly wish the average player in queued content would communicate a bit more when useful things are being said in instance chat.


I was in there with you! The defenders deffo saved that game, ggs :smiley:

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