Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

You guys got 2 separate discords for your communities? holy :poop: paranoia is real

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That is my druids name correct, with that being said once again I have never been in ANY of bsg discords. It’s actually laughable that you’d think that. What I DO know for a fact is that you personally have done some very frowned upon doxxing behaviors. Hence why a few key bsg healers which I won’t name do not run with you guys anymore. Talk about cringe? Yea that’s some next level stuff. Did I join SGA community as a joke sometime ago and get removed when Oca had a fit over it? 100% yes and I still don’t feel bad about it. A taste of your own medicine so to speak. Let me know if you want me to keep taking you down the rabbit hole of things we have found come to light recently. Your choice.


The pot calls the kettle black.

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Did you know he called me by my real first name? Talk about creepy and stalker behavior.


It’s very unfortunate the things that BSG “inner circle” is willing to do for who knows what reason. Putting a spotlight on it in a public forum such as this is warranted considering their actions are escalating to that of harassment and abuse of reporting systems to get people silenced or temporarily banned.

This tea is smokin girl anyone got some honey???


I’ve reported it, Blizzard does nothing. The rest of us get forum vacations, they always get away with it. And they wonder why people want nothing to do with them…


Cheaters, perverts and stalkers. Is this what the premade community is? You guys are really showing your true colors today. VERY COOL.

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I’m starting to think that blizzard lets premades stay on purpose. Epic bgs are like quarantine zones for the dregs of the PvP community.

Actually the dregs have been ostracized to one place where all the bad apples rest now. :smiley: It’s great, the other communities play against each other and have a good time.


This is the main reason BSG is doing what they do. If they can’t have “fun” they don’t want anyone else to. It’s a glaring reality that they are having to face more and more every single night they que. So be it. You reap what you sow.

You’ll notice they’ve all gone radio silent. Take a guess why.


They want to try and force ppl to play them. I’ll sit with an hour debuff to avoid putting up with them.


Wow hmm maybe we should ban premades. They seem pretty toxic huh?

They are waiting to be told what to do next is my guess. They don’t like me because five cents told them not to…

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The rest of us are not. We stand up to the bullies. All of the toxic folk are in one place as I stated a minute ago. And lo and behold, your toon doesn’t appear on check pvp…highly sus.

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If you need a premade to play unrated battlegrounds you are the problem. Full stop.

Nah, we like to play with people who listen and don’t say you’re not my real dad the whole game.


To the detriment of the rest of the pvpers. Can’t you take your premades and embarrassing discord drama to another game?

No discord drama in ours. Just memes, recipes, and music. :smiley:


I know you guys don’t like a challenge. Maybe try the new follower dungeons or even timewalking if you’re feeling brave?

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Wow! Did you know you could do all that without having to cheat in random bgs? Lol