Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Don’t shame us for wanting to learn how to read!

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Why are you mad, Deacon was on our discord from May to recently lol

Rules for thee but not for me lol that’s how he feels.

Not mad, tired of your guys crap, My leadership team and I are not stupid on what you guys are trying to do.

I’m genuinely curious…?

“leadership team” HAHAHA typic discord mod.


You and Blackbeauty you mean?

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Holy macaroni this is embarrassing

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LOL @ ‘‘leadership team.’’

Pillow sales must be low.


I did a WG last weekend and it happened to be a premade vs premade. I was hyped to see what happened, I’ve heard tales of these epic premade vs premade clashes.

You know what happened? Nothing. Both teams knew where the other was going and they dodged each other THE ENTIRE GAME. Not even a fun clash at sunken ring. Nothing. They were terrified of fighting each other. It was the most embarrassing nothing burger that I have ever seen.

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The stuff we were selling was not ai generated. We have some discord avatars that are, but the redbubble stuff was Hellkitty’s.

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Sometimes denying rank is the strat…

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Lol all you want, that stuff sold.

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ah man, im all out of popcorn

Just want to point out I have never once been in the BSG discord. So that’s a lie. I know about Lilmads obsessive efforts to infiltrate our community. I know about Vargos. I know about Tyler. I know about all the BS that you guys try to cause issues within other communities. Your plan isn’t going to work. It never was going to work. So you might as well stop now.


Krienn! :hugs:

…so what did you win anyways?

Oh yeah? Torobravo was in our sga discord for a while. That’s your toon is it not? Stop lying lol

Cheat at all lately? Jk I already know the answer. It’s yes.

If you cared about “communities” you would quit. You and your peons have caused more damage to the PvP scene than anyone.


It’s ok to be a dirt bag and cheat. Its just a video game after all. But it takes big balls to pretend like you’re doing it as a favor to the community.