Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

can one of you set the clock on my
microwave for me please ?

Add 20 for djl players then add some Vicks vaporub

Blizzard needs to implement a hidden mmr so premades will only be matched against premades.

That would be delicious.

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I mean it isn’t cheating. We literally have a blue post stating as much.

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You should beleive her, because thats exactly why.

No one cares about losing. There is literally nothing at stake, so what’s there to care about?

I’m relatively neutral in this whole thing, but you have to admit after the 2 large community break ups and other shenannigans in between, bad blood exists and bridges have been burned. If folks want to avoid other folks, its understandable and they’re perogative. It’s probably better for everyone that way. Maybe leave well enough alone.


That’s a good question that I can never get a straight answer from premades on.

There really is nothing at stake so then why do you need to remove any chance of your failure by stacking 11 healers and dropping ques for 20 minutes to make sure they all get in?

Somebody who “doesn’t care” does not go through all that extra.

Agreed. Arguing with them accomplishes nothing, raising awareness is the best we can do.

A competent developer would never have let this happen but blizzard isn’t exactly competent when it comes to PvP. Hopefully that will change.


The craziest part is they’ve been doing it for YEARS. People on this very thread have been running (and defending on these forums) premades for literal years. Every game the same. Que up with your raid, stomp the twenty or so bots and noobs that stay in the battleground, collect meaningless honor. Ad nauseum. It’s mind boggling.

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I mean you keep saying that but have yet to provide a blue post specially saying what you guys are doing is not cheating.

Damnit Krienn, it happened in vegas! Its supposed to stay in vegas!


noobs are in their own bracket.

It’s fun and we enjoy playing the game with each other.

To fully understand this you need to have friends, so I get why it may be lost on you.

Also, we don’t stack anything. Thats a misconception. We take what we got.


We have friends as well. We just don’t exploit to play with those friends.

Highly unlikely but you guys are well known for lying already.

Thats good there are plenty of other game modes that are designed for that so you can go take your premades over there.

Based on what i’ve heard about ya’lls discord i am very glad those people are not my “friends”

Selling ai generated furry pics??

:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: bsg reporting my posts again, not surprised at all. probably playing the victim card and blames the blame or whatever all on RR

Bruhhhhh we were laughing hard when we saw their redbubble shop. They’re selling pillows and shi with wow furries and half naked toons :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


The monkey throws poop at the other monkey. We all watch and laugh.

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Dude its really not funny. why are you joining other people’s cord’s if you’re not welcomed there? other than to feed your puppet master on what’s goin on in said community?

Like you guys are any better… but keep eating your own bud lol it’s funny to watch

negative, the most recent post in BSG disc is the intro from the British version of Reading Rainbow.