Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

How is wanting exploiting to be fixed and have the game be fun and fair for everyone have any weak point whatsoever besides scummy people only caring about there ego?

Ya I used to have lots of games like this. Sync exploiters destroyed this part of the game. They have made the game so bad that pugs just try and do the same thing the sync exploiters do and win as fast as possible.

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epic battlegrounders: 40-year-olds that act like they’re 10.

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This is like watching monkeys throw feces at each other. How embarrassing lol.


theres an alliance premade group with a braindead leader who always calls for extremely terrible strats.

like this guy has legit lost os games that should have been free wins in the bag

why does this guy keep telling us to go mid gate in WG? ive seen this strat fail so many times… whereas hitting corner gate takes 2 mins to win.

weird people.

They have a high win rate so they (falsely) think they know what they’re doing.

I feel like a good pvper too when I’m smashing noobs in greens


What are you talking about?


Quiet Miz you tyrant curse you. Let me handle this. You always make it worse idiot.

Toothless: what did the goats do to us? Have we been infiltrated or something? Thanks in advance for your response.

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Plus, queue times are shorter because premade raids are constantly creating empty team spots in in-progress bgs. Look at the revolving door of pugs on the opposite faction. Look at the half-empty teams on the same faction. The system has so many empty team spots to fill due to premade raids in random bgs.


There’s a worsening problem in PvP and we’re bringing attention to it. It’s not like Blizzard pays attention to PvP and is proactive about fixing stuff.

Probably as long as premade raids are going against random pugs. It’s a ridiculous, one-sided matchup that shouldn’t be happening. Kinda sad that some people want to preserve these roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.

Yeah, ignore all the team comp, gear, experience, voice chat, etc. advantages that premade raids have over a team of random pugs. Also, one team plays together all the time. The other team may have never seen each other before. Let’s see what happens when they face off.

^^ I agree.

Another way to make it fair for everyone is if people respected the spirit of fair play and stopped trying to circumvent restrictions.

These unfair games are caused by people circumventing restrictions or trying to circumvent restrictions.



I agree with this and really wish it were the case, this is why I consider SPM to be a special community, they have this mindset.

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i fully get you afking when you are about to face us, nobody likes losing. but there is no need to afk when we are on the same team. you say you are afking out of principal, but i don’t believe you. pvp long enough and factions don’t really matter, if its red its dead. not everyone in your community shares your sentiment about leaving out of spite and they just want to pvp. as a community leader you either need to learn that concept or before long you will find i have recruited all your pvpers away from you.

Premades don’t exist because they enjoy a challenge. They’re simply bad at the game and need overwhelming raid groups to succeed.


if that belief is how you cope, by all means.

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You will never get them to admit that what they’re doing is cheating. They simply don’t have it in them to try and improve when they’ve been outmatched. They cannot stand to lose, they are the poorest of sports.

They will always have an excuse. They’ll try to tell you it’s “good for the PvP community” to run these premades without realizing the irony that they’re actually murdering casual play.


The rumor is you and Miz invited them to the SPM sandbox.

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You can keep Toxic. We don’t want him. :smiley:

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and what about the next player? and the player after that?

If ppl choose to play with the lot of you so be it. We have no desire to be in bgs with you.

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Well, that’s not my main goal.

Cheating/exploiting semantic arguments aside, premade raids in random bgs result in:

  • One-sided games and roflstomps that drive players away from PvP.
  • Games where one team starts half-empty because premade raids are mass dropping queue pops in their attempts to circumvent the system.

Hopefully, we can raise enough awareness about these worsening problems to catch Blizzard’s attention.

^^ They’re only acknowledging problem #2, but it’s something at least.


yeah, but think about what you are saying. everyone who you treat like that was once someone who played with you. what will you say about the people currently by your side when they draw your judgements and criticisms?

If by sandbox you mean what I think it means then let me clarify: Miz only slept with Gearz once. I only took bets on the side.

I won btw.