Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Yeah, not going to happen. We don’t care how long the deserter debuff is, we refuse to engage with you bad apples.


So, you’re saying you have no problem leaving your own faction out to dry. All because you don’t want to go up against us? Wow. Talk about toxic.


Premade is OK with me, as long as you can avoid dropping queue.

[Edit] added quotes.

We all know this isn’t true. They are stacking good classes and always bringing plenty of healers. What they are doing is exploiting, as much as they pretend it’s not everyone knows it is. Also let’s stop pretending “calling a strat” is all they are doing. every average random bg player knows there is only one way to win most randoms and epics are literally one strat to win. They all focus one target using addons and nuke whoever gets in their way. These people simply can’t make it in fair combat so they need to go and stack as much advantage they can. It’s pathetic and ruining the game for everyone that plays the game correctly. Bans are the only answer anymore these people do not care about other players or the game.


Use enter to make all that more readable next time.


wow players don’t ruin the game for themselves for 4 seconds challenge impossible


Quick warning. Of all the stories and complaints, this one was at the top of the creepy list especially from female players.

Changes its name often making it difficult to avoid.


What are you trying to say here? Please explain.

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Doesn’t matter what side you guys are on, we don’t want to interact with you.


Well, all you premade’s dodge each other so I don’t know why you need excuse just man up bud.

We had two great games this evening against RR. An IOC that was really close that they won and an AV that we absolutely dominated.

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Sure you did buddy. Who you are has been exposed already, idk why you try to put on the fake persona lol

You were saying? https: //imgur. com/a/brX0MWU

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Congrats you won a game you exploited in? Now go play fair and watch your win rate plumet.

Lol. You accuse me of lying and I provide proof. There’s a reason I keep your posts hidden. It’s much more peaceful for me that way. I’m done arguing with a troll.


I never accused you of laying haha you just assumed that because you have a guilty conscious. Also showing a scoreboard doesn’t prove anything. You exploit and brag about winning like it was hard or something. Again, go play the game fair and see how well you do.

HAHA your post history makes this comment peak irony but of course any excuse to attack and run.

They are really good at taking out of context screenshots and using them as a broad generalization.

Or when im ever not in a teamfight they’ll just screenshot my frame and say i was afk.

Of course there are a lot of screenshots painting them in a terrible light to but they never talk about those.

Torturekilla’s perspective is the polar opposite of how you actually solve problems. By just pushing it out of sight and pretending it doesn’t exist cause it makes you feel better in the moment instead of accepting reality for what it is.

Acknowledgement is the first step to fixing something.

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Ya but these guys are experts at willful ignorance lol

Actually, in all of these Premade vs Pug arguments, both sides dodge attacks on their own weak spots. It’s no surprise that no progress is made.

In one Pug Ashran during the later parts of Shadowland (I think), Alliance got pushed back to the keep and we were holding off Horde as well as their Kronus. The pressure was overwhelming. You worked hard to motivate and got some people to help led the Kronus off the side to be addressed, alleviating the pressure on the whole party, and we eventually pushed the Horde back out of the gate and turned defence into attack.

Lol, we didn’t win that game in the end but it was close and certainly a fun game!

As a healer at that time, I really appreciated that and it stayed in my memory :slight_smile: Heard a few claims about you AFK nowadays that made me wonder if things are different now, but I honestly hope not.