Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Lack of strat is why pugs fail. shrug You do it your way, my team will work together and do our best to bring a victory to our side. You can lead a horse to water, you can’t make him drink.


This guy thinks having a raid simply doing basic bg things is “calling strats”. The only reason you are winning is because you are stacking and exploiting to get a huge advantage.

This doesn’t even apply here… you aren’t leading anything. Bg’s are the most basic form of pvp. All you premade’s do is follow the easiest strat that blizzard hasn’t fixed.

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How would you know? I lead plenty. Ask anyone who actually plays.

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I was on my hunter, Ronavandy, in IoC just now and I got chased down and killed by someone’s pet mechanical chicken. I had no cooldowns left and the darn thing just kept following me and ate the last 10% of my health slowly. It was embarrassing and funny at the same time.

I /salute whoever owned that pet chicken and hope you got a good laugh out of it.


Welp…there’s your problem right there.


Oh of all the discords I have seen, djl is the most cringe lol. Talk about circus :rofl:

I can smell the vicks and bio freeze the moment I got in :rofl:

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Lmaoo thats true.

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No surprise you didn’t understand the context. He is claiming people are upset he’s strat calling, when people are upset he is exploiting.

Because randoms have literally one strat, why would you need to call that out.

I guarantee I’m better than them though lol

I’m able to circumvent group restrictions when signing up to Epic Battlegrounds therefore I’m allowed to do it - ftfy

This is because your in an echo chamber within your own community that thinks everything is okay because you only see the positives of what your doing which is the cheating.

New players create threads about the problem or necro old threads about the issue that is epic sync cheats commonly

I visit forums at times while waiting for queue pops

LOL I agree with you there, most if not all this smack talk would only ever be from the safety of behind their computer screen and would not say or do anything of the like irl

Explain to me how you improve your pvp skills when mindlessly listening to zerg calls in discord against pugs ?

Heck I’ve given epic syncers opportunities to 1v1 and they normally run, one time they went 2v1 with me, I won. They sent a 5 man team to come deal to me in AV. Explain how they improve their pvp skill doing that ? and im a terrible player


Yeah… gotta practice honing their ability to click without looking down as much.

Wow you finally caught on that syncing queues isn’t against the rules. Good work!

I’m not in a community. Weird how you think everyone who doesn’t wanna listen to your incessant screeching on the forums is a part of some pvp community.

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Can you queue as a raid into Epic BGs ? No. You confirmed that yourself. Your circumventing restrictions, gaining unfair advantages against others, against TOS. If Blizz made raids able to queue again, by all means ill shut my mouth about it.

But again you can’t queue as a raid atm.

You stated before that you epic queue sync which indicates you are. But hey you might not be and only join them when they are queueing for those ez wins you love :wink:


Queuing in 5 mans isn’t against the rules and certainly multiple 5 mans isn’t against the rules because there’s zero guarantee you’ll get all of your people in the same match.

This has been discussed ad nauseam. Only thing that needs to be fixed is not letting people drop queues.

No I stated I have queue synched in the past. I mostly solo or duo queue these days and don’t see most of these premade you all whine about on the regular.

I’ve seen cringier…you were there.

Snuck in…you snuck in. To the “old folks” discord. Thats “cringe”. But for whatever reason you’re obsessed with.



And cross realm BGs so Epic Syncers have a much tougher time being on the same team.

You/they are getting raids into Epic BGs (circumventing restrictions) to face against pugs. It certainly is.

Your lucky if you don’t and are queuing as a solo/duo because I see Auggy/Torture etc on the regular if / when I sign up for Epic BGs due to the weekly.

Oca has been mia lately, but they are normally a common sight.

Whatever boomer /s :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d shake my fist, but the arthritis.


4 premades in a row, this is getting exhausting. No way to transfer honor and there is an ilevel requirement for bg blitz just makes playing a new pvp character awful. Y’all don’t care about PVP and it shows


I’d send you Honor if I could, all my 70s don’t need it :sweat_smile:

First Epic BG of the day and straight into Torturekilla premade :rofl:

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Yah I’m trading honor for shields to sell as well. Honor caps quickly even when losing.

How many times are we going to have this debate!?! It’s ridiculous. Premade groups can explain that it is not cheating 1,000 times & in 1,000 different ways. It won’t matter. Premade groups are just regular players. They have no advantage over any pug in regards to gear, etc. We all have access to the exact same things. However, premades will usually dominate for one reason & one reason only…they listen to the raid leader & follow the call-outs. The problem with pug groups is that no one will actually stand up & lead (usually).
Now, that being said, I do think that there needs to be stiffer punishment for groups that leave the que. It is unfair that one side has to start with only half a team (sometimes even less) just because some premade dropped or didn’t take their que pop. Dropping que because only a few groups got the pop or dropping que because one premade doesn’t want to go up against another premade for whatever reason is absurd. The only people getting screwed are the pugs that got left blowing in the wind. No wonder some hate premades so much. I would too. The problem is not the premades syncing que, the problem is the premades not taking the pop that they get.
I will admit that I am 100% guilty of doing this myself. But the problem is getting worse. I have been trying not to do this anymore though. Hopefiully, those in my group & my community have noticed that I always say for us to take the pop that we get. Even if it’s just 1 group. I feel like that’s the only way to keep things as fair as possible.
I’m sure that this post will get flagged and/or removed altogether but I hope it won’t…
***I’m asking for ALL premades (Horde & Alliance) to quit dropping ques. Take whatever pop you get. No more sending one person in to see who you’re up against. No more dropping que if only a group or two got in together. Take what you get. Take your lumps or dish them out, whatever the case may be. It’s the only way to make it fair for everyone.