Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

All day? I only play prime time cause I do have a job. Maybe you don’t that’s why you assume this?

Also I love your pvp experience. You have great potential according to checkpvp

My implication was that you play mostly sync premades. By doing that you are gaining no skill at all because matches are so heavily one sided.

I’m old and slow but I am trying and learning as I go

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Maybe you need to join djL?

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No idea what that is.

It’s an awesome pvp community for ya. They love having bingo marathons, dates at the Golden Corral and even workout at the ymca


I won’t join the sync people. I have friends I play with.

Probably sarcasm - but I actually believe it. :rofl: :rofl:


Ayooooo gotttem :rofl::rofl::rofl::skull::skull:

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And solo q’ing up!

Gonna do the pvp thing!

Have fun y’all.

No need to lie man lol everyone knows who you are.

I am Lorethon, the Human Paladin!

And, Elehan the Night Elf Druid,

And…Ronalvandy, the Gnome Hunter
And Rosynthal, the Dwarf Paladin <== still has the original Sergeant title!
And Sposcorky, the Mechagnome Mage
And Tonsho, the Pandaren Monk
And Trakzlibble, the Goblin Warlock.
And Vanderne, the Worgen Druid.
And Xavaden, the Draenai Holy Priest
And Xazzi, the Vulperan Shaman.

And that is all that I am my friend. Those are all my characters after the free undeletes. They all solo Q, so /wave if ya see me.

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Yet your profile is hidden.

lol yah. I’ve spent too many years in compsec, so if I can turn it off, I do. It’s a habit at this point.

But those are my toons. I have no problem id’in my characters in game, though someone somewhere could prolly say that is a leak as well doh! It’s a strange industry.

Anyway, off to shop, then I re’Q ttyl.

Yes, and we at DJL are having a great time! We are drama free, happy go lucky folks. Anyone who is learning, old, shy, whatever, DJL is the island of misfit toys and anyone who isn’t a jerk is welcome to play with us! :smiley:

Besides, funny yall wanna call us bingo players…You and ocra are hanging out with Zeela, lmao! I know he’s got a thing for old ladies, but that is bottom of the barrel there. :smiley: Let’s see how long before they get butthurt about this post…


You forgot pot luck Tuesdays.

…all this coming from the guy who’s tried, and failed, to sneak into the community and discord on several occasions. Creepy…so creepy.


Hah! I got ya in Wintergrasp one time not too ong ago. I forget wihch of my guys I was on, but I recognized your name and chuckled at bit. Of course, I died a lot more, and our side lost, but I do remeber getting ya that one time.

Get ready to be forum brigaded by him and whoever he’s colluding with lol.


Yeah, I have a big target on my forehead for being the strat caller. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m used to it. I am often heard in disc “I have died…this is unacceptable” Then Loa brezzes me and we all laugh.

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You guys sure love your baseless excuses lol

Ya nobody cares about “strat calling” it’s the blatant exploiting that is the problem. Also let’s not pretend you saying “zerg here” is strat calling haha