Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

So that makes exploiting ok because you think nothing is fair?


its a video game, not a life lesson. blizzard can encourage the rules of play to line up with more fairness than not. its not black and white.

the addon that moves ur discord around to the channel that has the other players so 1 person can lead the 40man is kinda cool. Alliance simply need more people running and for randoms to stop queuing solo and instead get on board.

They have places for organized group pvp. They already asked for people to not abuse randoms because it’s a place for people to learn and enjoy relaxing pvp. Demanding everyone playing the game the way blizzard wants to change and play your way is completely insane. Also, nobody is wanting solo only lots of people queue with actual friends. They just don’t exploit to get their “friends” in to pug stomp and inflate their ego.


So that’s why epic premades don’t like fighting other premades. /s

Maybe 1 out of every 10 you may face another premade and im sure the battle is hard fought.

Then im sure everyone thinks “wow, that was intense, I hope we get some easy pug games to stomp the next few games or ill just leave” - ie does not want consistent even fights

That’s how I imagine it goes given my knowledge on those types of players

That’s how blizzard intended the random bg and random epic bgs to be. Not have epic premade syncers (who are predominantly average at best) circumvent restrictions to get raids into it. (But you already know this)

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Venruki did a recent reaction video to a post about why pvp entry is bad, and why some pve players don’t pvp. Your type are addressed in the video about why they don’t want to pvp.

But hey as long as you get yours in your sync/cheat premades you don’t really care about the overall health of the pvp environment.


They dodge another premade because apparently that premade is toxic, that’s the excuse they use to avoid fighting another premade, lol… or the “my community voted for it because we’re so democratic” excuse.


Considering the only thing guaranteed in the random epic queue is the map you get, everything is working as intended.

PvP environment seems pretty healthy to me, despite the same people malding on the forums about it instead of actually playing the game.


So, every second post is about the little Que-synch cheater lowest of the low epic communities.
Out of curiosity….has a blue dev or anyone ever said @yeah it’s a problem…” or do they just completely Ignore every post about this travesty?


Not toxic. The lengths employed to track, stalk and intimidate other players were obsessive, weird and ****ing creepy. We know about the worst of it thanks to those that quit and were then subjected to tracking, stalking and intimidation themselves.

People don’t refuse to play for or against this trash over trash talking. Other communities fight all the time and it’s GG afterwards. They avoid them because Blizzard’s sitting on a kindergarten for geriatric keyboard sociopaths and it’s been left to us to self police and censor.


They ignore it because they’ve addressed it multiple times and moved on.

Ah yes. :raised_hands: I see how well they have satiated the public consumers. A well thought out post. Top shelf my good fellow

It’s not lmao.

I don’t think the PvP community has grown in any substantial way in many expansions.

It’s usually the same general group of old guard players who have been around for ages (me included) still queuing.

Same people in every awc usually same people at the top of the ladder every season.

People think “oh well ques are still reasonable so it must be healthy” failing to recognize that most of those ques are comprised of again the exact same players.


Thats nice. Don’t agree with a post? Just report it and it will go away. Much easier than confronting reality.

Anyway…as I was saying.

If you are unhappy with WoW and game balance and premades, etc. etc. etc., why are you still subbing?

Quit complaining and do something about it. I’m sure you’ll be much happier playing Roblox or whatever.


Careful you are saying the quiet part out loud.

Bringing attention to it in the forums is doing something. Just because you don’t like that people are exposing bottom feeding exploiters like you doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to talk about it on the forums.



This is almost the 600th post in one of probably hundreds of threads(with hundreds of posts) about premades and imbalance or whatever. Yet here we are.

Mission accomplished. You did it.


When you need to post with more than one character and have conversations with yourself then you are the forum bottom feeder exploiting the purpose of the forums.


I can’t change my main? wild lol and also have never once “talked to myself” haha i don’t think you understand what exploit means

Blizzard has a record of not paying attention to pvp. Lack of attention isn’t an excuse to cheat. But you guys don’t care about the game you just want to pretend you are good when you aren’t.

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Tbh, If you spend more time in game or perhaps balance your time in game and in the forums, maybe you’d be able to cause balance in your team.

You can achieve this by practicing more in pvp, honing your skills. This way you’d bring more utility in game by finally moving your way up from top 40 to maybe 30 and eventually you’d be in top 10 or even top 5

Anyone that sits behind a sync premade all day shouldn’t talk about skill.