Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Yes, they really do.

Idk if I’ve ever seen a top rated player que a regular bg let alone in a premade.

I’ve seen some of them queuing blitz on their streams over the past few days.

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Which is funny because the only people whose posts I see flagged on the regular are people who aren’t anti-premade and considering there are maybe 5-10 angry anti-premaders who post regularly I’d say it’s probably them brigading threads.

At least 3 of them, that I know of, is Thaedreu.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s people using multiple accounts so they won’t get banned for abusing the report system.

If you report on multiple toons on one account they can see it’s you doing it and you’ll catch a swift ban for that

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I have only made post on Thaedreu but you will use any excuse you can get I suppose lol

While posting on Freydis.

Stop lying…

What about Freydis and Inkarta? So, at least 3 that I know of.

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So, I can’t play multiple characters? I know you desperately want your echo chamber to matter but majority of players outside of it don’t want anything to do with you guys and are tired of you ruining the game for everyone else.

Clearly, I am talking about post subject that I am the OP but I forgot you need everything spelled out for you.

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Whereas Akatsüki was talking about any old post. Not threads.

But here you are, using your own interpretation of things so that you can twist events to make you correct, even though you’re wrong.

I wish you could even try to understand irony, but I know you can’t. Education does not equal intelligence.

I’m actually starting to think you actually don’t know the meaning of irony now.

Here we go again lol

Well, you keep making stupid statements, it’s not my fault.

You are the posterchild for education does not equal intelligence.

Poster child is two words. If we’re going to talk about education.

Just going to keep proving this aren’t you.

Ah, I get it now, you’re jealous that I went to college and you’re still a fry cook.

That was the reason you asked if I went to college.

It’s called University. And no, I would never be jealous of someone that thinks going to an expensive school makes them better than others.

College and University are usually the same. I was translating for you. Dumbing it down, so to speak.

Like I have to often do with Fahrenheit and Inches.

I love how you have to resort to insults all the time. Very mature of you.