Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Glad you’re enjoying yourself for once.

Ya change the subject lol hurry before you dig any deeper.

Who changed the subject?

You were saying how much you’re being entertained, weren’t you?

100% this. Random/epic battlegrounds and preformed arena are dead.


lol can’t make this stuff up. I already destroyed your guy’s argument. Now I am just exposing you for who you are.

What? Literate?

And you said:

How am I not providing you with amusement or enjoyment?

It’s always funny you try to use this like I have ever even talked about your literacy lol no, your narcissistic behavior.

I was clearly talking about you exposing how you gaslight and attack people. But of course, you have to faint ignorance.

Yes, you have, you’ve exposed that I’m literate.

Telling you that you’re wrong is not gaslightling. Just like having a discussion is not attacking you.

Whatever you need to say man lol all the posts are there.

This is gaslighting just fyi you are trying to become the victim by claiming something that never happened.

That’s not gaslighting.

Gaslighting is claiming that something which did happen, did not happen and trying to make the victim think that they’re crazy.

Lol and you claim I don’t know what words mean… keep exposing yourself bud.

Yes, you do not know what words mean.

That’s not gaslighting. Telling you that you’re wrong is a learning experience.

psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one’s emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.

making false claims and trying to imply I did something that I did not is a form of gaslighting.

Just because you claim something is wrong does not make it so.

Where did I do this?

You keep trying to claim I have implied you are illiterate. When I have never once done anything of the sort. You also try and constantly claim I don’t know what words mean.

No, I’m choosing to believe that you’re exposing my literacy. I never said that you’re trying to imply that I’m illiterate. You do know that there is a difference between literate and illiterate, yes?

Mostly because you keep using words with your own personal interpretation of their meaning.

And now I can also add question marks to the list of things that you do not know the meaning of.

Of course you make that claim. You have already exposed yourself. That’s why you are still trying to change things and gaslight.

And of course you do it even more. The more you expose yourself the funnier it gets.

Yet I provide sources… just stop bud you are making a fool of yourself.

Nah, I think I’m exposing your foolishness.

Whatever you need to tell yourself bud. The posts speak for themselves.