Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Great he’s the vast minority in his generation.

MMO’s seem to get less and less popular with each generation because again a lot of them are not interested in having to rely on other people.

Most “traditions” are falling apart all over the globe because older people have tried to force it down younger peoples throats and its failed.

Soon there will be no traditions and people will be free to do what ever they want without the overarching burden of “i should just live the way my parents lived and believe whatever they told me to believe” Instead they’ll come to their own conclusions without any external pressure.

Just take 1 ‘tradition’ for example religion. Religious attendance has collapsed drastically over the past few decades.

Pass me whatever you smokin

Horde player looking for premade community please

Just because you are ignorant to everything outside your sphere doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

And hasn’t been happening. Like you said yourself “the world is very impersonal” that’s a good thing in my eyes.

Davey Jones Locker 4 is listed.

Thanks man ill look it up when i log on

Let me explain to you why PvP vendors were actually removed… the truth.

Ion was getting pressured from the very few hardcore PvPers left in this game - about lack of participation… and lack of socialization. So, they removed the vendors in order to try increasing both participation and willingness to socialize in this game… by forcing everyone into Rated PvP.

His social agenda failed… miserably. The numbers increased slightly, and decreased as the seasons went on. Ion and company finally realized that the future of PvP - is behind the casual anti-social player base. This is why Solo Shuffle and Rated RBGs were finally added into the game - and why WoD gearing system was restored. Random BGs/Epics are the most popular PvP for a reason - no one has to socialize… and it’s fantastic.

This is why Shuffle and Blitz ARE the future of PvP… and why Blizzard was quoted saying ‘‘our focus will be on Blitz.’’

I assume they meant Solo Shuffle, as well.

I’m happy you enjoy your community… and you guys enjoy swapping recipes in between queues - but your community is nothing compared to the larger picture.

The social aspect of PvP is dead. It’s never coming back.

Thank you, Blizzard.


The fact that the sync people in mass report anything calling form them to be delt with proves they know exactly what they are doing and simply don’t want it brought to blizzard attention.

I disagree, the social aspect is still there, in many communities, not just DJL. And a lot of us old farts like to cook and are good at it. :slight_smile:

Well, then you guys failed Ion hardcore - because even he changed his direction.

Welcome to the new world of PvP… where Venruki even said ‘‘I’m glad I dont have to find partners anymore.’’

We’re all just THAT lazy - and it’s awesome.

solo rated queue makes unrated pvp more social, not less. people are able to just go do their rated goals on their own instead of trying to work with the partners they have or spend all their time looking for a partner.

the result is that everyone does rated solo and then shows up to unrated to play together in premades free from the problems of everyone having a different MMR.

I always said the worst part about a partner (on and offline) - is sharing the glory.

You guys feel free to turn that into a bumper sticker.


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I have never seen anyone ask for your posts to be reported and I am a member of a fairly large number of communities.

If your posts are reported, it’s because you say wacky things.

No, they are the truth, and it upsets those that lie. The fact that you are one of the first people to attack and gaslight anyone that says anything is enough proof you are part of the problem. Stay mad and bad I suppose.

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I don’t believe you know what either of these words mean.

Or this one.

Nor this one, I suppose, if I’m being really nitpicky.

Actually, no, if I’m really being nitpicky, I’d have to include:

So, let’s just go with: I don’t believe you know what words mean.

And thank you for proving my point.

You don’t have a point. You have flailing around pretending to not be angry.

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Keep going. You are just proving me right more and more.

Nah, you were wrong from the start.

You’ve always been wrong. You just don’t like it, I get it, it’s frustrating when you’re wrong.

Keep it up this is gold lol