Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

You did no such thing because there isn’t a post that says sync queueing is against the rules lol

Don’t like what one? there isn’t one saying what you claim it’s saying. There is a blue post saying they don’t like what you guys are doing and don’t want it done, but of course you ignore that one.

Never said I disliked it lol I did provide the facts that it’s not about current sync queue problem.

that just sounds like you are moving the goal posts.

Not at all lol I’m actually just using your own argument against you.

no you’re not. you are moving the goal posts.

I’m not convinced that you know what an argument is.

Nope but it’s no surprise you are trying to make up excuses lol

that doesn’t counter what i said.

There is nothing to counter lol I’m not moving any goalpost. I’m simply using your own argument in my favor.

you keep using words you don’t know the meaning of and trying to act like you said something of value.

No, I know all the words I am using. But I knew you would start the insults. Anyways, you guys claim what you are doing isn’t against TOS because it doesn’t specially say what you are doing is not allowed. So, with that same logic that blue post also doesn’t say what you are doing is allowed because you aren’t just counting down. You are dropping queues if you don’t get in together and nowhere in the blue post does it say it’s ok to continuously drop queues till all your groups get in.

Being told that you don’t know something isn’t an insult. It’s a learning experience.

From inemia’s pov knowing how to que sync is a learning curve and that once you play long enough and learn all of the games flaws and loopholes you will exploit them to as if its part of your natural development as a player.

As if its a big secret when its not.

A certain type of person will probably learn of the games flaws and loopholes and exploit them to their own advantage but not everyone is like that.


Knowing how to do anything is a learning curve, I don’t see your point.

Nice out of context quote there.

If people really need to see the context they can read one post back.

It’s called an implication.

Out of context quotes are there favorite lol

Did little Inemia block me again?

Joke’s on you I have a mini-me who will carry the torch! :smiley: I am training him well!