Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

No that would be the Developers and GMs and their representatives who would decide that.

See the aforementioned blue post where they said syncing queues wasn’t cheating.

No one cares about your weird fantasy interpretations of TOS. If it isn’t out of a current employee’s mouth/fingers, no one cares.

Smh whatever you need to tell yourself bud.

Turns out organizations and games that are run top down like that usually end up as corrupt cesspits.

Lmao the premades dredged up 1 post from 4 years ago cause they were so desperate to have any ammo at all and are now acting like 1 guy on blizzard payroll is divine authority lul.

Blues have different opinions on things. Just like Greg street had a different opinion on premades. One community manager doesn’t speak for all as much as people here are trying to say it is absolute truth from this 1 dude.

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It’s sad that premade raiders need an official blue statement to explicitly them that this is not good for PvP.

And even if the devs do tell them games starting with one team half-empty is bad for PvP, premade raids will still only care about ban or no ban.

It was this statement that did it in for me

Ion is an incredible game director under his leadership factions are now irrelevant.

Under his leadership we got legion which did illidan as a Warcraft 3 character justice.

Incredible raid design although it is getting kind of sweatier.

this thread has gone places

like you’re one to talk.

what did i do?

They’re upset because they’re wrong.

Care to provide any proof?

upset is an understatement, they have been arguing for like 8 hours straight

I haven’t been arguing. There is nothing to argue, there is the facts then there are people exploiting, gaslighting and attacking anyone that calls them out haha

The literal irony of what you have been doing.

Sorry your feelings don’t matter here.

are you telling us or yourself?

I haven’t ever brought my feelings into this lol but good try bud.

this noon i posted a blue post stating that sync queuing is not cheating, thus ending this long running forum debate. its been hours and you are still arguing like that post was never linked. you wouldn’t do that if you were apathetic to the situation.

They don’t like that one. It isn’t telling the correct story for them.

isn’t “dislike” a feeling?

I hope so.