Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Wow that place looks extremely dull to work at.

Sometimes there’s downtime and you have people doing strange things.

Like, I used to work as a Systems Administrator at a company which managed printers in other companies. The amount of broken photocopier scanners which came back, which had clearly been sat on, was intriguing.

I thought you were done arguing but here you are still with your terrible analogies.

The fact that you don’t even understand that I am quoting you just using a different word is hilarious

Using a different word must be the old boomer explanation for using a completely different word order/sentence.

Lol product of the modern education system you are. Why do you think “boomer” is an insult?

They are charging the bank of the river styx like it was Normandy on d day.

Ironic that you talk about education and yet try and keep arguing about interpretations of the TOS.

I’m not arguing the interpretation lol that would be Hirav.

No, you are. You’re the one trying to say it’s black and white when it’s not.

No, I’m not. It is black and white, sorry but your feelings don’t matter here. The TOS is very clear that exploiting is not allowed.

It’s a really vague paragraph, they keep trying to explain what it means in their scenario, but don’t realize that by trying to explain, they are interpreting it. It’s wacky.

Well you see most people being honest with themselves can read in between the lines and infer what should and should not be happening for themselves.

Like a 10v40 happening cause of que drops pretty safe to assume that a process that causes so much collateral damage probably isn’t intended.

But as long as premades get a full premade in every 2 or 3 drops it’s worth it to them the people in the 10v40 never cross their mind because they are only thinking about them.


It’s not vague at all. It clearly says that exploiting is not allowed.

Well, these guys are nothing if not intellectually dishonest.

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Lucky no one is exploiting then, isn’t it?

Not going to have circular arguments with you when you are just being dishonest and childish.

No one cares about what randoms “infer”. The ultimate arbiter of what is allowed and what isn’t is Blizzard.

Correct that would be the TOS. The “meme” as you claim.

Yeah and blizzard ignoring everyone and just swinging their heavy one around is what has lost them a great deal of customers over the years and also what sent their public imagine straight down the tubes.