Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Whatever man lol you are just lying, and this is boring and not getting anywhere so keep destroying the game for those playing fair and blizzard will deal with it when they get tired of catering to mythic plus kids.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong and bowing out like a champ!

Of course it’s not, you won’t accept that you’re wrong.

I doubt Blizzard will ever be tired of the M+ players, they are clearly driving the largest portion of the game at the moment.

My suggestion for you is to grow up so people will start taking you seriously.

The TOS is wrong? wild lol


Your interpretation of the ToS is wrong. You are wrong. In every single way.

You want to twist thing so that you’re not, I get that, it’s frustrating to be wrong all the time.

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Again… I didn’t “interpret” it, I quoted it word for word.

And your application of those words is your interpretation.

Quoting something is “interpreting” it? Whatever man lol

But you didn’t just quote something, you applied it to a specific situation, where does the ToS specifically mention queues?

Nope I straight up quoted it word for word. Why does it need to mention queues. You are being intellectually dishonest. It says exploit is cheating. Doing something not intended by the game (queue syncing to get raid in) you are exploiting.

The PvP devs can literally explain premade raids vs. random pugs is unfair and it drives players away from PvP.

Players who have experienced premade raids roflstomping pugs in random bgs understand it’s not a fair matchup.

Sadly, not premade raiders though…

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Oh the people that actually matter in my life do, in fact, take me seriously.

Butthurt children on the forums on the other hand, I couldn’t care less. Continue being wrong and providing endless amusement.

Alright keep being an immature child lol doesn’t bother me bud

I’m honestly over these people lol all they do is use strawman arguments and lie. I can’t wait for the day they can no longer do what they are doing, and they move on to another game.

You’re going to be waiting till the end of time for that, and the rest of that ironic statement.

the thing is its been going on for 2 years, bg’s have been slowly getting out of control for 5 years. This is nothing new to this game . You can go back and look it up for the last 2 years this has been a on going issue and its not fair play, its cheating and something you say that will take away your account for . I have seen the same players doing this over and over even after sending my streams, my reports in and they are still doing it . It seems the only way to make things changes is in court because you all are not holding up to your side of the the agreement we pay for . Its sad when things gets to the point that a game won’t listen to the people that have been playing since day one and bows down to the people that are cheating in the game.

I have streams of my reports, the chats of the cheaters in game , the proof of me being around seeing what they are doing and I sent it in and nothing done.

I make reports daily in bg’s and still see the same people doing the same things.

Now that i am speaking out , i have a target on my back in bgs and end up in the gy most of them all the time because im speaking out, thats ok it just makes me a better player but the thing is its by the team that keeps cheating and they are mad because im speaking out .

Things have to change , as you see its not just me seeing this .

The people playing in groups will be gone soon enough most of them are likely going on 50.

I’m only 20 and people my age don’t like playing in groups which is why most of them have avoided this game.

Most of them kind of hate each other actually togetherness isn’t really that popular with them,

They like solo carrying in valorant or apex.

The game has already greatly shifted away from strictly playing in groups because ion knows the game has to change to a new audience to survive.

Shadowlands had a point… Death does in fact come for us all eventually.

If it’s still going on after all those reports, it’s abundantly clear it’s not viewed as cheating.

Hacking still happens even after the reports and bans so it must be ok guys.

That this is now going on…