Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

-guy who continually forms his own opinions on the TOS and links 10+ year old blue posts by people who don’t work for Blizzard.

Just to be transparent: I’ve never cared what Greg Street said. He’s also a sex pest that was implicated in the Activision lawsuit. He was also arguably worse for the game than Ion has been.

Clearly he didn’t because he said something incorrect…

Ironic lol but no surprise you think this way.
You only care about post that fit your narrative, not the post the very clearly prove you are wrong.

I do. But I also believe that I can’t interpret it. It’s vague and non committal on everything, so that Blizzard can adjudicate.

You believe that your interpretation is correct. I have a post from a Blizzard Representative which does not agree with you. I’ll go with the Blizzard Representative in all cases.

There is no need, it’s very clear.

I’m not “interpreting” it. I am quoting it word for word.

Over the TOS? Well at last you show your willful ignorance.

That’s literally what a ToS is lol. It’s crafted by legal and intentionally murky.

The downside to it being murky is people with zero clue like Thaedreu can try and use it to argue without any context.

clearly its a l2p issue

How you’re applying it is your interpretation.

Uhh there is a massive difference between two solo queue people syncing and 8 5 mans syncing

Do you have proof of this? Because this sounds like an opinion.

Yet I am the one quoting it word for word, and you are using some random blue post.

Incorrect. I am using it as it is stated.

He’s literally interpreting it, in the same way judges interpret laws. The constitution of the US is not some infallible document. It is constantly interpreted/re-interpreted. The TOS is the same way. Blizzard can change their stance on things whenever they want because the TOS can be interpreted however they see fit.

Thaedreu doesn’t understand that.

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Where you can easily claim that a Rogue using Stealth is cheating.

Is stealth not in the game?

Are queues not in the game? Is the button that is being pressed somehow outside of the game? Is the drop queue button outside of the game?

Is queueing as a raid in randoms in the game? No? weird lol. You are manipulating the game to get a raid in where the game does not allow it.

No, it is not. But we have a ruling by a Blizzard Representative who says that queueing at the same time as someone else has never been cheating.

Yet the TOS claims you are wrong. TOS matter more sorry bud

Using your interpretation of the ToS.

Using a Blizzard Representatives interpretation, I am correct.

I’ll go with the Blizzard Representatives interpretation, every time.

Ion is great wdym.

And if this street guy was on board with people not playing in groups he sounds like my kind of guy.

Nope just using the very words in it.

Of course, because it fits your narrative. You don’t care about the actual rules.