Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

No they have that “meme” called the TOS. But you guys don’t care about that.

No, your interpretation of the ToS says that Rogues using Stealth is cheating.

Agreed. If it was 20 vs 20 it would be more fun imo.

And? the TOS hasn’t changed.

We have a literal CS/forum CM coming out and saying it isn’t cheating. Do you think they don’t have access to the TOS or don’t talk to the dev team?

what? HAHAHA you are so childish it’s just sad. Stealth is part of the game, correct? Correct. Queue sync is not part of the game you are “manipulation” the game in order to do it. I promise this stuff isn’t hard.

It clearly is…

Where? Only some random community service guy talking about AV said anything close to what you claim. Does community service reps overrule blizzard themselves now?

Syncing queues via countdown in 5 man parties isn’t against the rules, as stated by Vrakthris yes.

Come on, this isn’t hard guy.

I love how you always ignore the parts proving you wrong and go back to posting something unrelated lol typical childish behavior.

Again, it does not matter what he says… if he saying hacking is ok does that mean it is?

Greg street is no longer a Blizzard employee, Vrakthris is and has stated it isn’t considered cheating.

Argument over, move on.

How in the hell is a literal forum rep telling you it isn’t considered cheating not count as an official Blizzard statement? He works for the company.

Again, he doesn’t get to overrule the game TOS… the fact that you think he does is simply insane lol

Did they say 5 man queues specifically?

Which part of your opinion, which you think proves me wrong, did I ignore?

ya ok. blizz also said this 5 years after that post.

The part where the TOS is the final say in what is allowed or not. Do you not agree that the TOS is the rules?

They don’t care what anyone but someone that agrees with them says.

Again, do you seriously think Vrakthris wouldn’t consult with his supervisor/legal/developers before making statements like these?

What does the number of people in the groups matter?

If it’s 2 people in separate groups, it’s ok. If it’s 4 people in separate groups, it’s ok.

If they are in the same group, then why even mention it?