Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

But you are mad. And it’s too bad. You aren’t getting what you want.

Nobody is mad bud lol but projection and gaslighting seem to be the only thing you are good at. Because your defiantly not good at the game.

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Naww, diddums.

If you all weren’t constantly upset these threads wouldn’t exist and be getting thousands of views.

Speaking of logic.

Well the difference is how many seperate players do you see nightly or is it the same people almost every time.

Because personally I see the exact same people over and over.

People wanting a fair and fun game equals “upset”?.. yikes lol

I took a break from farming pre-bis in sod last night and queued for 4 epics and saw zero premades that I could recognize.

I dont play epics anymore. I refuse to join a community. Dunking on uncoordinated pugs repeatedly sounds boring and pathetic

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I mean people are given the same option to organize and coordinate. Seems about as fair as it’s going to get in the epic bg scene.

As for fun, if you’re not having fun then by all means play something else.

I mean people are given the option to cheat, others do it so it’s ok right?

Organizing and using voice comms isn’t cheating. If it were there wouldn’t be communities or in game voice.

Also, been premading off and on since OG vanilla and have never been banned. For something you continuously claim is cheating, I’m not getting banned for it.

Exploiting the queue system is a form a cheating. Sorry your feelings don’t matter.

I’ve never really enjoyed epic bgs. Always feels like you can’t do anything impactful.

Forming 5 player groups and counting down also isn’t cheating despite all of the panty twisting you get worked up about.

Clearly that means 40 man raids should be allowed. I wonder why its still a 5 player limit :thinking:

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You keep quoting this blue post like it means anything lol just fyi everyone that blue post is about queueing together in AV back in 2019

They more or less are allowed. You just have to split into 5 mans to do it.

An individual can be impactful but it has its limits cause if the other 39 people are bad its probably a loss but if they are half decent it’s a win.

Just because you are able to do something doesn’t mean it’s allowed.