Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

No they didn’t. They stopped the use of mass addons like OQueue and AVEnabler from working. Did nothing for premades. I’ve been epic bg premading since Cataclysm, even before the option existed on the browser.

Premades are manipulating the queues to gain an unfair advantage. Isn’t that against the TOS?

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And sync queue people are manipulation the queue system… but you don’t actually care about any facts lol

He thinks the TOS is a “meme”

Yep and people would just form their raids outside of Ashran, split into 5 mans, count down and run in and if the group leads saw each other they were good to go. Zero bans handed out despite daily threats from people that they were coming.

Always the deflect and dodging… it’s like trying to talk to children…

No one is manipulating queues lmao. You aren’t entitled to a safe space to play.

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By only going in when your queues pop together you are manipulating it to go your way.

Yikes… you can still delete this post.

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Nah I’m good. You and the rest can continue seething about it. See you all in the epics!

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No reason to, it’s absolutely correct. It’s PvP. If you want to be safe, play PvE.

They can just play rated. All of these anti premaders said they were going there when it was coming out but they’re still crying about epic bgs.

Yikes lol it’s clear you are a very young and immature person.

Go for it. The sooner you guys kill the game mode, the sooner Blizzard will be forced to do something about it. The pugs will eventually stop showing up.

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Wee woo false information alert.

Que dropping and requing ruining games is que manipulation.


This is already happening lol they spend more time trying to get a pug game then actually playing a match.

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3 minute queues nightly. Despite all of the dooming and glooming it seems like queue times are stable.

Go for what?

I’d be in favor of raids being allowed to join a queue as a raid, doesn’t mean I’ll spend hours trying to petition for it to happen.

When backed into a corner with logic they seem to resort to “too bad, u mad?” Nonsense.



Dunning-Kruger personified.