Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Solo players don’t need premade players to fill any games. Premades could be gone tomorrow and it wouldn’t affect how they queue.

They could also have 40 man premades and solo queuing players would fill another group on their own.

Tell me again. Why doesn’t blizzard lift the 5 player restriction

No, you’re misunderstanding me.

At the time when they restricted the group size, there were calls to ban raid groups from joining battlegrounds.

So, to appease the players calling for bans, Blizzard restricted the group size to 5. At the same time, they obviously decided that telling people that you’re queueing, so that other people can also queue, is allowed.

Well clearly since its not cheating and its intended gameplay they need to lift the restriction.

I’d be in favor of that. Sure. Try convincing the others of that though.

So its not intended gameplay.

But it’s not cheating.

You continually linking the TOS like it’s some gotcha without understanding it is like a meme at this point.

They’ll still whine about that. It’s already started with some of them.

So they want 40 man raids in epics?

How does what I am saying equate to me thinking that they want 40 man raids in epics?

Here’s another question for you…

If Blizzard didn’t want to allow multiple groups to queue together, why would they not rule that it is cheating?

If queue syncing is not cheating, then they must be ok with 40 man premades.

How is that hard to comprehend?

It’s not my problem you don’t care about the TOS. But the fact that you think it’s a “meme” is the exact reason people want sync queue people banned.

If Blizzard cared about people premading, they would have already dealt with the issue years ago. They don’t care.

Ok, and? Try convincing Freydis/Inkarna/Thaedreu, Holycow or any other serial complainers of that.

They did… but you don’t care about blue posts unless they agree with you…

Yes, just like when they had those bot bans in waves.

Inaction =/= they want you doing it

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You can continue hoping. I’ve been threatened with perma bans from so many angry people who don’t understand the game, or TOS, or really anything that I’ve lost count. Whether that’s been in PvE or in WPvP or BGs or rated, I’ve heard it all.

They aren’t going to ban people premading. End of story. They’ve existed since BGs have existed.

Bots are manipulating the in game economy or fly hacking etc. premades aren’t doing either of those things.

Blitz is pretty good actually I’ve played 2 games and won 2 games.

They took action. In WoD. They restricted group size to appease the complainers, and at the same time, decided that queueing at the same time as others is allowed.

That the serial complainers aren’t happy with it is not our problem.

I’m fairly sure Blizzard have realized that doing anything, will never actually appease them, so they don’t do anything.