Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

They are making it very clear that they do not care at all either.

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if blizzard wants proof, they can read our community chat.

So why have the restriction to 5 players?

Clearly if they condone what you are doing they would have eliminated the restriction.


So that solo queue players have a chance of joining in and filling the rest of the roster. Premades generally aren’t queueing 40 players all the time, there could be 10-20 players queuing in the community at times.

When you see some familiar names on the enemy team, it isn’t always a full premade raid. Most of the time, there are quite a few pugs there too.

And I suspect that Blizzard landed on 5 as the number, because guilds used to have a quest for Random Battlegrounds, they needed to have at least 5 players for the quest to complete. That quest is now for Rated Battlegrounds.

That doesn’t make sense. Pugs can fill an epic on their own.

Why do they needlessly make you jump through the hoops when it is supposedly condoned by blizzard?


i think you need to look up what condone means. in this case by allowing sync queueing and saying nothing about premades, they are condoning it by the very definition of the word.

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To appease the solo queuers I suppose.

Who knows? All I know is that queueing and telling someone else that you’re queueing, so that they can queue at the same time as you is not cheating.

Sounds like mistaking inaction for support.

Just cause they have not totally dropped the hammer doesn’t really mean they think it’s a good thing.

They are mid that’s what that means at best.

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dont remove premades in epics its how i gear alts and farm honor kills for bloodthirsty. its much faster then randoming and hoping for wins…

But they took action, in WoD, they restricted group size limits and also allowed groups to communicate with each other so that they can queue at the same time.

Does that mean if a person jwalks across the street in front of a police officer and they don’t get a citation that its condoned?

I assume if robbery wasnt point blank told to you that it was against the law you’d justify yourself into thinking it’s ok because no one said it wasn’t?

Both of these examples are against the law.

Queuing at the same time as someone else is expressly allowed:

Until what happens after.

The que drop in cadence of course.

And It’s more like queuing at the same time as 30 people

You are allowed to drop a queue for any reason.

So i guess we do Some more circular questioning.

Its not cheating. There’s no need for the 5 player limit. Why does it remain?

Why do you say this? I think it’s healthy for a game to be able to pull in solo queued players. It’s also how premades generally recruit without filling trade chat with advertisements.

Yeah except I think leaving a game 10v40 just because your full premade didn’t get in is a pretty lackluster reason.

Maybe if something came up or you were afk then maybe.

Premade raiders have gone through so much mental gymnastics that they’ve convinced themselves that their sync queue, drop queue, and requeue mini-games with the matchmaking system (which ruin multiple bgs in the process) is intended game design. Sure, Blizzard could have enabled raid queuing if they wanted premade raids in random bgs, but that would be too easy and obvious. Blizzard clearly wanted to keep this hidden. This premade raid feature is only meant for experienced and knowledgeable PvPers.

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Pugs will still fill a game if the premade is 10, 20, 37, etc players. They will fill a group with 40 pugs.

Again. Why is there a 5 player limit?

To appease solo queue players. I suppose.