Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs


That’s a lie lol

Prove it.

Can’t post videos here just go watch Inemia’s youtube’s lol

Rubbish, you can post a broken link, I can fix it for you.

don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

Ya no thanks.

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(https: //www. youtube. com/ watch?v=G7PgBJNqJNs&t=1041s)

How does this prove anything?

Chat is covered, countdowns generally happen in chat, I cover my chat too, all streamers do it.

count downs are in chat, which is covered.

Prove it then. Because I have watched you and you just ask if everyone is ready and then you insta queue.

I’ve stopped trying to convince any of these anti-premade fools they’re not goin to change their minds. good thing bgb is coming out. they can spend all their time playing solo next expansion.

That’s OCA, it’s not Inemia. You’re listening to their discord too.

You realize that in this video Inemia is not the group lead yeah? You’re not see it from the perspective of the leader, they still have to have the queue window open.

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But there is not time between everyone saying ya and then the queue for a countdown.

How long do you think it takes to type 3, 2, 1, Q?

At least 3 seconds. You watched the video. I want proof of a countdown.

60% of inemias streams are him chain dropping ques for upwards of 20 minutes lmao.

I want a million dollars.

I’m not in BSG, I can’t speak to how they may or may not run their queues.

It really is sad that devs have to explicitly tell some players that in a bracket that does not allow players to queue in a raid group, a premade raid vs. random pugs is not a fair fight.

Premade raiders don’t respect the spirit of fair play, and they’re ruining epic bgs for everyone else.

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