Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

It’s quoted from a blue text… and you already know this. But you are being willfully ignore

prove it


All forum posts were lost when Blizzard changed their website’s forum software. It’s not like Blizzard deleted those specific forum posts in order to make a retraction.

The community manager explained why the Blizzard devs made a code change to disable addons that were being used by premade raids to get into random bgs. This was done in consultation with the PvP devs who made the code change, but of course you’d think he just made up random personal reasons.

In addition, the dev in charge of PvP had tweeted that premade raids vs. random pugs is against the spirit of fair play and they don’t like premades circumventing the 5-person limit, but who cares what they thought right? Premade raiders just ignored him.

It’s sad that devs have to explicitly tell some players that a premade raid vs. random pugs isn’t a fair fight.



Why lie? I really don’t understand why you are such a fact denier lol even when the evidence is out there for everyone to see you still will deny it.

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Which addon is enabling queueing a raid into an eBG?

Whatever addon Inemia is using lol there are videos of him doing it.

Do you mean BG commander? It’s really nice QoL stuff for everything Battleground, I really enjoy having it while in an RBG group, for instance.

there are? news to me, i would love an addon that lets us raid queue, wouldn’t have to worry about split pops anymore if that were the case.

ahh here comes the denial lol classic

Also never said it lets you raid queue because you can’t it’s let you automate your queuing.

these guys hear “addon” and “premade” and think we are all using oQueue again. :roll_eyes:

It lets group leads manage their group better. It does not automate queuing. Group lead still has to manually click queue.

These guys? Sounds like a pejorative.

now that the first right thing you have said all thread :wink:

Nah, ‘people like you’ is nothing near ‘these guys’. Try again.

It makes it so they don’t have to “count down” therefore automating it.

what? no it doesn’t

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What? No it doesn’t.

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it sure is lol it just doesn’t fit your narrative.

So you count down your queues?