Shouldn't the Night Elves build their capital in Ashenvale?

Which is expensive, I’m proud of it

Maybe try eating a carb or two sometime and perhaps you’ll look healthier like your tree elf cousins.

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I feel like I’m in an episode of Real Housewives of Azeroth.


excuse me?.. you’re just jelouse beacuse you could never pull off the kind of risque style void elves do.
and btw, those “void whispers” told me you look fat. at least we know some of what they say is true

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This thread is amazing.


Carbs are the devil. Saturated Fat is where it’s at.


theres a difference between “risque” and “common goldshire tabletop dancer”
of course i dont blame you for not knowing, it takes a keen mind to differentiate.

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yeah right… “keen”… why dont you go suck the life-force out of another mana wyrm before you have a meltdown sweetie

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You should get a soap darling, the oil in your hair is getting wild.

They’re not going to rebuild anything. They’ll just move back into the tree once it stops smoking.

Night elves always living in ruins. Hyjal, full of ruins. Val’Sharah, full of ruins even the Temple of Elune. You would think they would have kept the Temple decent.

They might make little settlements like Astranaar someplace else. I guess they can take the tree in Grizzly Hills back eventhough it was corrupted before (i think?) but those furbolgs are living there just fine. Moonglade is also a good place to settle. It’s untainted and isolated but small.

More seriously, it’s pretty bad that the civilization that once was a huge empire all across Azeroth had diminished to practically nothing. That’s a long, hard fall.

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My favourite thing about threads like this is how heavily in character all the elf players tend to be on the forums.


Heh. blood elf saying this is hilarious

No. The Horde should contribute every ounce of magic they’ve got to heal and rebuild the tree they destroyed. I don’t care what the reason is, innocent lives were lost on a massive scale. Reparations should be made. I love the Dark Lady to death but even I call foul on that move.

Horde took it though, right?

There goes that. I feel so bad for night elf players this time around.

  1. Ashenvale is small… The Night Elves out grew their “native homeland”, hence why they had to spread all over Kalimdor and ultimately settle in the world tree as that was big enough to accommodate a capital city and still have plenty of room for other towns and things.

  2. It’s way too close to Orgrimmar… Horde already have raided it plenty in the past, if the Night Elves established it as their capital today, the Horde would probably be launching assaults against it 24/7 just based on the fact that it’s right in Orgrimmar’s backyard.

In all honesty, the Night Elves just need to ditch Kalimdor and along with the Worgen reclaim Gilneas and the former territories of the kingdom of Lordaeron and boot the Blood Elves out of Quel’thalas (the Blood Elves and resettle in the former, now abandoned, Night Elf territories in Kalimdor, especially the Feathermoon territory in Feralas).

I’d like to think the Gilneans, after having cleans up Gilneas, can go back to their capital and bring the Nelfs with them, they do owe it to the Nelfs for taking them in.

Besides, Gilneas is a gorgeous city!

I am loving the elf on elf verbal violence in this thread!


I’ll easily take leaves and a leather bikini over twisted face any day.

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I think the BE will keep their capital and the NE can live in SW. I mean not many NE even exist now lore wise after we gave them the horde treatment .

Astraanar would be amazing to see rebuilt as the new capital…or even Auberdine. Though how permanent are the effects of the plagued land?